It'll be 70 by tomorrow morning they said

>it'll be 70 by tomorrow morning they said

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Other urls found in this thread:

>thinking I cant bribe every reviewer on the planet

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Anti RoP bros.....

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Wonder what the goy score will be? That is if it doesn't get 'fortified'.

>thousands of independent reviewers have taken money to inflate their ratings and not a single anonymous source has brought this up because... they just haven't ok?

most movie critics have no inner dialogue

I kneel...

>he thinks this isn't exactly how the industry has been functioning for a century

Impressive, very nice. Let’s wait for the user reviews.

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Cool, can I read any of those reviews?

Movie critics can barely understand the concept of object permanence or hypothetical scenarios.


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lol Amazon said if this doesn't succeed they will go out of prime video. You don't think they would pay off these "reviewers"? Hell If I was a reviewer Id take the money. Who gives a fuck if some retard watches it because of my review? Oh no, he spent an hour of his life watching a shitty show instead of jerking off to trannies! That's absolutely worth a few thousand to me.

At best they can point at the Zoe Quinn debacle, which was more about how developers and gaming journalists share the same circles, but she hasn't been part of the mainstream for almost a decade now.

they should just put tranny porn on prime desu

don't worry we got a discord army ready to review bomb the shit out of it

there's barely 50 reviewers on the entire planet who matter

chudbros...did we just lose???

>Jeff Bezos paid me $10,000 to give him a good review!
>got any proof of that?
>I just haven't ... OK?

I dont get it, arent these bad scores for a TV show?

>I-I was only pretending!
sure buddy

It's been true for a long time. All these reviewers get flown to exclusive events and given special treatment for their showing. They even openly talk about the free shit they get for this stuff and you think that exclusive special treatment, that disappears if you negatively review a product, doesn't influence reviews?

STOP THE COUNT - Jeff Bezos said calmly

>only 5 points higher than She Hulk

>he took it seriously
thanks for the laugh Sheldon

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>defending megacorps for free

Most of the target demo for this live action cartoon are either mentally challenged or dumb as nails, they'll sit and drool at anything bright and shiny.

>85% from two episodes that only a select few got to see

I don't remember any actual quotes coming from Amazon like that

it's an expensive production focus-tested to hell. they probably employ shitloads of ex "culture critics" as consultants to write mock reviews that try to predict how it will be perceived. this is the reason why these movies dont stick; theyre too slick. when a movie like eyes wide shut came out, critics shat on it, because it wasnt what they wanted

that fat ginger groper from AICN got free trip to NYC and free shit and gave the 90's Godzilla a top rating... He even admitted as such.