How long until they start limiting our interned connection speed similar to pic related so that we are prevented from...

How long until they start limiting our interned connection speed similar to pic related so that we are prevented from downloading 4k remux kinos, piratechads?

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They already do that now that net neutrality is repealed

>be american
>give mega-corporations control over every aspect of your life
a mystery indeed

>be chinese
>play joke
>go peepee in somebody coke

Will things ever get better?

They have to get wayyyyyy worse first

not in your lifetime

Soon, fellow observant and aware.

Just keep downloading and seeding as long as you can
Don't worry about future

>be incel
>buy xcel
Like pottery

I think people's standard of living got way too high too quickly. It is costing so much resources to maintain this. If you think about something like total resource drain of factors such as the earths natural resources, you+parents+ grandparents have probably used up as much as what the last 10-20 generations used. It's completely unsustainable.

That's the response I'd except from an 80 IQ redditor, but the scarcity is artificial and it's quite obvious where we're wasting a lot of it.

what causes this brain virus where you think everything in the world is a giant conspiracy against you

My issue is with the potential for a global human logistics chain to identify all areas of wastage or resource overuse and to come up with alternatives or limit the use. As long as nations are competing against eachother it won't work firstly. Secondly, as we can see with guns/fossil fuel companies, they will lobby and do everything in their power to not do something that will benefit everyone in the long run.

I do agree that the top of the food chain has way too much.

what causes this brain virus to completely ignore the conspiracies around you?

Because it is
It is the innate state of existence; suffering and struggle.
Everything is weighted against you, not everyone can succeed. Even the people you consider peers are competitors.
You've been brainwashed by disney to believe life is a fucking fairy tale.
FUCK i hate you tourist cunts

>t.NPC bugman tourist

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Where we are wasting it?

Not that guy, but I just don't believe in a conspiracy until I see irrefutable evidence of it. Most conspiracy theories just don't have solid evidence, at most they are just informed assumptions

Cold showers are definitely good for you but its funny they want to push that to save a fraction of the energy that we're wasting on television.

In another 10 years you're going to realize it's pointless to fight it and humans are retarded. Once you let go, then you can join the top of the food chain yourself. See you then amigo

It's only downhill and you have to thank 9/11 for that.

Yeah, native fertility fell in the 70s for the West; and pretty much all net growth has been immigration - and specifically menial, low-end laborers which ends up draining welfare.

The US would produce a fraction of the pollution it currently does if it had a population of ~220mil, which is where it would be if it weren't for labor being brought in for line to go up. All those third worlders would be consuming a fraction of the resources they do now, if they were still in the Global South. It's not like we're getting any more oil or natural gas in human-timeframes.

If we want to maintain the standards of living of even the bad old days of the 1970s, billions must starve.

no, you have to thank boomers and their incredible waste of everything we have

especially the rich using 10 or 20 times resources of poor,
its not like I have private jet or I go shopping each weekend to Paris or Milan and wasting jet fuel.

Almost all major countries around the world followed the exact same script of WHO when it came to implementing harsh lockdowns and other ludicrous anti-covid measures during the covid scamdemic that deliberately killed millions of small and middle businesses and caused the permanent firing of millions of people from their work. Not only that, but they even coerced the majority of the population to inject themselves with a gene-altering mystery juice therapy that got approved by all major health institutions in less than a year after the beginning of the pandemic. What more evidence do you want to have?

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>white people get bombarded with images of "dangerous" immigrants
>their solution is to install Big Brother Home Edition and record their neighbors without their consent

>corrupt career politicians using the private sector to throttle traditional rights and consumer protections is on the ballot
You are a faggot