Watching this rn pretty boring they just keep talking and nothing happens :/

Watching this rn pretty boring they just keep talking and nothing happens :/

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its enjoyable when youre on (dude) weed

I wanted to like it, Phoenix is good, source material is good, usually enjoy PTA's films, but i just came off feeling like the poor man's big lebowski.

It’s actually even more boring when you’re stoned.

Legit this. Saw it in theatre baked and still didn’t wow me which is crazy because dudeweed turns crap to kino most times.

I hated this movie because it made no fucking sense, there's no real characters, famous actors just kind of show up for a cameo for one scene and then leave. It's kind of like a shitty DUDE WEED LMAO scooby doo story where every scene that seems to "progress" the story leaves you saying "oh okay so I guess they're going over there now". Easily Jackie's and PTA's worst movie.

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The book is really enjoyable but it doesn't seem like a story that works well on film. None of Pynchon's books do, really.
All of his books are the protag aimlessly walking around in search of a vague conspiracy that they never get a real answer for. Just doesn't make for a compelling movie.

Under the silver lake is the better poor man's big lebowski

The book is better but that sort of relies on how soon you realize he died at the construction site

But then there's idiots like this that don't realize they are all dead.

I've smoked weed for twenty years and this is the most painfully boring movie ever made. It's the pinnacle of pseud.

Is this the greatest bait of all time or all you that oblivious?

>I smoked weed for 20 years of course you're crazy.

I'm glad you all hated it, I did too

I was a PTA fanboy before this one, seeing every movie on release traveling far to do so if I had to. After this? I still haven’t managed to catch the one with that horse faced Jew broad and PSH jr yet.

I watched this on a flight acordd the country and fell asleep, only to be woken up at the scene where his girlfriend or whoever is getting spanked by him. The lady across the aisle scoffed at me like I had a fucking clue it was going to happen

watched phantom thread?

no he’s right I’ve smoked probably 10 years and this movie was Saftie bros level boring and pseudy. Anyone who likes this movie is the type to list “postmodern” as their favourite genre and have no personality to speak of

is that jschlatt?


It's cute that they don't get it.


Bro I used to smoke too. But you fags are getting sloppy.

>its a movie about how the CIA kickstarted the hard drug industry in the united states to inoculate the poor against communist sentiment
>slips past CIA censors
>pushback ever since

used to? you seem pretty fuckin stoned. Some dude said it’s boring even on weed and I agreed. Not really that hardcore of a dudeweedlmao. And the movie still sucks no matter if smoking weed is mad gay or not.

you need to go back

>I've smoked weed for twenty years
I'm thinking based

>try to read Gravity's Rainbow
>really enjoy the writing and the conspiratorial/sardonic tone but the vulgar assides keep filtering me by halfway

I got as far as the dude in the pig suit getting castrated and had to stop. Are all Pynchon books the same? I have Mason & Dixon on my shelf but I don't know if I should bother if it's more of the same.

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>slips past CIA censors
What a world you must live in

Preferred pronouns: they/them/the agency
Identity confirm challenge and status: Topaz (Green), Rosemary (Red)


every single pynchon book is a death dream. gravity rainbow and inherent vice were at least interesting. the latest 9/11 book is obviously the best to adapt especially since it is about mauntauk which all the netflix nerds know about now.

idk man, this book and then movie made me realize how bad my comprehension and retention skills are. :/

Mason & Dixon is quite different in terms of style and tone, far more sentimental and genteel. There's still an undercurrent of conspiracy, something to do with Jesuits and the Chinese, but it's far more about the relationship between Mason and Dixon and how it changes and grows as they progress with their work. It's a beautiful novel.

>Vitamin C
>moto panakeku
>the part where Joaquin throws himself to the ground in front of the cops
it's a fun movie

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Never heard of that book but weirdly you've just sold it to me with that description lol