What went wrong, ringbros?

What went wrong, ringbros?

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What race is that on the right? Physiognomy says Indian, but the frightened "please don't throw acid in my face dear husband" expression says Arab

this is what the average british woman looks like

Haters won't make their own fantasy films, only criticize existing ones.

Non white, that's all you need to know. Its like comparing an Uruk Hai to Goblin, they're both ugly orcs at the end of the day.

if it looks indian and arab at the same time it means it's paki

Persian. There's not a single Indian in the cast despite the showrunners being all about "representation".

It's called the Rings of Power not the Rings of White Power you fucking chud


Who cares

>comparing a painting to a irl human
next up put an anime next to it for fucks sake

can you even find actress who looks like that art in modern film industry?

It's just liberal hypocrisy that I feel should be called out mre

God damn, why don't they at least cast niggers that don't look hideous

>if it looks indian and arab at the same time it means it's paki
plus if it has that "i smell a stink" face and the stink is itself it's also a paki

Maybe they should look for new talent instead of only hiring on the basis of jewish nepotism.

Yup, leave Tolkien alone and make your own nigger fantasy

LOTR never belonged to us. It was always the property of Jews. Remember Tolkien was Catholic, a religion derived from Judaism.

Demoralization MUST be total

That wouldn't be very intersectional of them.

Bullshit. Persians are of Aryan stock. All their mythological heroes were pale white.

>why don't they at least cast niggers that don't look hideous
Because there's only 1 Stacy Dash.

I fucking hate the constant sneering, flaring nostrils, bitch-face this cunt has in every image and trailer I've seen. God she's repulsive.