Why don't they make comfy movies like this anymore?

Why don't they make comfy movies like this anymore?

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Demographic change

because they look too much like real life in america

comedy is problematic in today's climate

because they were already made and just doing the same film again is boring.

>comedy is problematic in today's climate
Pretty much

>What you can make fun of
Wyte peepole
>What you can't make fun of

Social Media

Comedy died when Leslie Nielson died.

>comedy is problematic in today's climate
Imagine unironically believing this

Name a comedy in the past decade that's made you laugh?

the Vax-Scene

>The Worlds End
>The Nice Guys
>Louis CK - Sorry
>Trailer Park Boys later seasons
>Always Sunny In Philadelphia later seasons
>Dave Chapelle - Closer

kek that actually made me laugh user.

before the internet went mainstream, comedy was dominated by a game of shock value one-upmanship, which filtered out every non-shock-value based comedic writer, comedian, etc.

the internet blew the lid off this game by being a completely unrestricted space, leaving comedy basically dead in the water, as there were no writers/comedians left capable of creating comedy that wasn't rooted in shock value.

throw in test marketing and focus groups, and a corporate philosophy that offending anyone is the worst thing possible, and comedy can't function.

just watched these again after at least 15 years, still golden. If anything it just shows how far films have fallen


Nobody makes red pistachios anymore.

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none of those were funny

Comedy is dead because you can't make jokes about certain groups like niggers, troons, faggots, retards etc

zoom zooooooooooooom

holy shit all zoomers get the rope first

okay you win this time

Honestly you should kill yourself.