/rope/ rings of power general

watch amazon's new show isildur! WATCH ROP! ISILDUUUUUR! edition

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perfect body type

subway sandwiches gives me the shits, also, not going to watch

>come on user, you know you want to

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why yes, yes I do

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i feel bad for the 1 (ONE) person who actually likes this show and will now spend the next month talking almost exclusively with bots in the ROP generals in some dead internet nightmare.

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isn’t that every thread nowadays?


generally it's newfags who come in, confused, and try to persuade the bots that the show isn't that good and they are praising it excessively.

that's why you never make an honest post on anything less than a year old, when the shill budget has run dry.

I wonder if the bots have machine learned to metadiscuss bots yet.

le frumpy swedish whore

Is she cooking up elf meth?

>mfw Bezos wound up doing to Tolkien what Morf does to herself at the end of this movie


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She's Welsh, so, there's some sheep in that dna

the shills are out in force. There's like a dozen RoP threads outta nowhere.
But we know this is just the beginning.

Don't forget, the point is just demoralization and destruction, nothing more. They already got paid.
Ridicule them, sage goes in all fields, and go kick ass at real life.

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My friends keeps asking me why I hate it. He even got mad at me yesterday asking me to say 1 god damn reason on why this show will suck if I haven't watched it yet.
He watched House of Dragons and thinks it's okay but not as good as game of thrones.

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I've just seen the Rings of Power premier and nothing prepares you for this. I cheered, I shouted, I fist pumped the air, I cried, I stood and cheered. It's absolutely everything you hoped it was going to be and I'm so proud to have been there and I can't wait for you to see it.

be warned, phase 2 is going to be trying to get us to watch it by telling us we were right not to watch it at first.

Kill yourself faggot nigger

yeah, it'll be like the witcher s2 shill campaign. after six months of machine gun posting about that gay "penny to your witcher" song and saying how great S1 was, they'll change tack for S2 to say that it somehow fixes everything that they refused to acknowledge was wrong in the first place.

except for ROPE it'll be after two episodes.

the best thing you can do is not tune in
share the memes here in /rangz/ general but limit mention of it everywhere else. Don't tune into ragebait vids about it, more for your sake than because of any viewership numbers.
They already said they're declaring it a commercial success regardless of the results.
The last thing on their checklist is you, seething. Don't give it to 'em.

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Wich pen were you in? I got stuffed with fake fans in pen 42 and the bastards didn't clap and cheer hard enough. I reported them all to our Amazon overseer ofcourse, but us real fans still had to wait for a while to see the premiere. Luckily i could trade some sharpies for water, but some of my fellow penmates weren't dedicated enough to the cause and their Amazon sponsored lives expired before they could experience to awesome screening of Amazon, Lord of the Rings, Rings of Power premiere.
This series is already shaping up to be a 10/10. Please sign up to Amazon Prime using the promocode 57UP16-5H339-B837.

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