
Jason Lannister edition

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Happy wedding to our good ol' friend King Joffrey.

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Bit late, but here's mine

>we wuz kangs n shiet

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Green or black I doesnt matter
targshit is still a targshit


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Gold digging whore

Hollywood Reporter confirmed that season 2 will not air before 2024. Season 1 took 10 months of filming and 9 months of VFX. They're still fixing up the VFX for the final episodes of this season, probably the Aemond-Luke fight. The scripts for season 2 haven't finished yet.

I can't wait 2 more years for another season reeeeee.

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alright boyos, I think we have kino incoming

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>Team daemon get in!

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Rhaeynra isn't dumpy looking

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for me, it's the old witch with a finger in the pughs casting a spell

>Rhaenyra opened the door to her father's chambers unannounced just like she had always done. This time however, she was greeted by a sight most shocking. She was no child; she knew what happens between husband and wife, and what Alicent's marriage to her father implied, but it was different to see it in person. The lovemaking between her father and best friend was raw, passionate, and even animalistic. She witnessed the nakedness of her father, his chubby body jiggling as he thrusted lustfully into Alicent. Her best friend was moaning and writhing under him. The expression on her face was unlike anything Rhaenyra had seen in all her years of knowing her. She was so close to Alicent and thought she knew her better than anyone; she was always so reserved and proper, but now she was gasping in pleasure from Rhaenyra's own father. Rhaenyra in that moment felt hurt, betrayed, but also somehow jealous. She couldn't take her eyes away from the obscene view before her. She knew she could never look at them the same way ever again. As Alicent's moans grew louder, Rhaenyra felt something stir in her loins. Something had awakened inside of her that night and there was no going back.

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Hightower chads...assemble

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Uncle, please

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The maesters are a part of a centuries long conspiracy and the top members are still angry at the targaryans for conquering westeros. They use their status to influence politics and the lords of the realm and pit them against eachother. They want to get all the dragons killed because they are the source of the Targaryen power and they achieved that after the dance of the dragons. They literally write the history books too and have actively made shit up to control the narrative and make the targs look insane. They are behind all of this, nobody knows what actually happened during the dance of the dragons because the meisters wrote the history books. The history book, fire and blood, which house of the dragons is based on was written in-universe from a biased perspective and many characters from within the main events hints at this fact.

This show is GRRM’s way of telling everyone was REALLY happened and not the freemeister lie, so all you people who read the wiki and now think you know what’s gonna happen, get ready for a surprise.

List of maester conspiracies in HOTD
>Viserys baby was killed by maester
>Maesters spiking the crown with poison which is why Viserys finger was rotting
>Otto Hightower is secretly a maester and his daughter is about to marry Viserys on his order

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Viserys was the last good Targ, all who came later are pure shit, probably because they descend from the two worst targs.

long may he reign

You have RoPe in between to satisfy yourself. Be grateful. Now get in the fan pen!

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I can get you the show sooner but you must do the following:
>Meet up, no names, wearing a mask. Shut your eyes and take my fat pink mast into your mouth. After completion, you swallow.
Then I'll sort it so it comes about sooner.

Based Jason picked the good side

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Fuck you freemaeson shill

Can anyone in Westeros beat the BOULDER?

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>not rise

>Rhaeynra isn't dumpy looking
Green memes have fooled everyone kek

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They both jobbed so hard to the Northerners/River Lords.

i-its supposed to be a Marvel quote

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Newest member of King Viserys's small council has been leaked. Thoughts?

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how do you have problems with the RIVERLANDS haha

>no natural defenses
>no huge gold reserves
>surrounded by all the other kingdoms

the lannisters jobbed hard lol

>Hobert: No brother, the Masters expect one of us in the wreckage.
>Otto: Did we start a fyre?
>Hobert: We Light the Way.

original Daenerys was cute

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he turns into a Titan and turns the Crabfeeder into mulch

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Cregan is that guy in the group project that did next to nothing and shows up at the end as if he did.

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All hail The Prince that was Promised.

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Greyjoychads report


>the series wont end until 2028 if it gets 4 seasons
I wonder if I'll live to see it

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forehead larger than hightower

She refused to suck D&Ds dicks. Emilia gobbled them up.

My brother in Christ he hasn't acted in anything major since GOT other than a few plays he's produced and a couple of episodes of some small tv shows. He's not rich like the other actors that stayed on the show longer.