His friend bangs his mom

>his friend bangs his mom
>does absolutely nothing

was stifler really the beta bitch all along?

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I think they had him attempt to kick his ass a few times but he was always stopped.

Weird that they made him such a huge prick in the first movie but then so lovable in the next ones. Was it because Scott was blowing up?

stifler fucks finchs mom

thats the joke

Too busy getting puss to care

They had a fight between the first and the second movie, he probably thought it was settled.

I was actually sad when I was a kid when he died in Final Destination because I only saw him as Stifler or the stoner from Dude Where's My Car?

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he bangs that guys mom 3 or 4 films later

>loudmouth faggot is a pussy

they played up him being a pussy in the sequels. he was supposed to be an asshole Chad in the first movie and they ditched it

He fucked Finch's mom though. Also the two of them fought about it between 1 and 2. Stifler gave him a black eye and Finch bit him.

He was Chad the whole way through until Reunion.

Whose grandma does he fuck in American Wedding?

Yeah chad like a getting laid chad, not a jock alpha male chad. He was a loudmouth like Jay who knew getting laid required being obnoxious and confidence, but he was still a pushover.




he was a complete jock alpha male chad in the first movie though. that's why it was supposed to be so funny he drank cum and had his mom get fucked. he was an asshole to everyone

He was the breakout character of the series in the second, so much so that the third movie is all Stifler.

Between pic rel and his hockey jersey (statue of liberty's head) in the airport it wasn't looking too good for him from the start. Plus if you have the same last name as any classic horror director in that movie you're basically fucked.

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agreed, he basically stole every scene in the rest of the series. they made him an asshole with a heart

i can't tell what the picture is. when was that in the movie?

but yeah, I never expected him to survive. He had the right idea of wanting to stay the fuck away from the dude that sat on the train tracks though