You know nothing about art because you've never paid $35 for a tour of the sistine chapel and stood behind a middle...

>you know nothing about art because you've never paid $35 for a tour of the sistine chapel and stood behind a middle aged chinese man and breathed in his body odour

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It's not your fault user

>I've been think-ACK

i hate this movie because i would have snatched up that NSA job without hesitation. but he just had to do his egotistical little speech.

What was ironic about the whole thing is he somehow wasn't intelligent enough to realize these developments will happen with or without him but if he worked for the nsa he had the chance to rise through the ranks with the leverage of his talent very quickly and be a gatekeeper that would ultimately prevent bad things happening

>and that will is good hunting, good will hunting

i remember a buddy of mine made me sit thru this entire movie one night at his house. he clearly kept hinting that he related to will, because he was oh so smart but always acted like a retarded asshole. I pretended not to notice and made fun of the movie the entire time

>"I guess the real Good Will Hunting were the friends we made along the way"

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Why do Modern white men hate art so much?
Was it the jews? Back in the day artists were respected and white culture was full of amazing art. Nowadays chuds hate even the sistine chapel

you guys are sellouts and bootlickers and most definitely vaxxed out of convienience
filthy materialists with no real values

so if you're a based Tedbro, why even go to the NSA for the interview in the first place? you really think some lukewarm rant about brown children was going to make them rethink their entire life?

It's not your fault

Art as a business is hard not to hate. And it has poisoned the well for a lot fo people.

The art business as a whole is literal, brazen money laundering.

Like this isn't one of the tinfoil hat dime a dozen conspiracies you see thrown around on Any Forums. It is verifiably true. You just can't do much about it.

When you donate art to a charity, fundraiser or museum, it translates directly into a tax write off of equal value. And here's the kicker, art has no value. No intrinsic value at least. It's decided or manipulated by whoever owns a piece of art or by an art dealer, of whom there like 4 big monopolized dealers of total. So rich collectors essentially have the ability to conjure up millions from nowhere after they collect enough art.

>Why do Modern white men hate art so much?
>nowadays chuds hate even the sistine chapel

(You) are pathetic

it's "Sixteenth Chapel", named after the century it was built in dumbass

>art gets finaced by the rich throughout the history
>the great art of churchs at the end is just cool ads and propaganda paid by the church, the other are portraits paid by richfags (naturally there is a lot of personal art but that's not the point)
>camera gets invented and artist give up on realism
>they start with futurism, cubism, impressionism and all the shit of the 1900
>they focus a lot on design too woth the bahaus school and stuff like that, money is in printing and movies
>artists want to be more creative and go for "feelings", so they start to throw colors at canvases and shit like that, and to this day this is the "fine art" market
>well most of the famous artists, now or in the past were connected with galleries and they did favours for a friend of a friend and to this day is still like that
>the rest of the artist today are in concept art, comic art or anime art, and those people still value the teaching of reinessance painters instead of the talentless hacks of fine (modern) art

>comic art or anime art
They're totally a contiunation of the Renaissance, sure thing.

One, he was obligated to do it to appease the math professor, who was basically his probation officer and keeping him from going to jail. Two, he just wanted to say to their faces to go fuck themselves.

Great soundtrack

I guess the real good will hunting was the apples we liked along the way

why didn't the director give them a chance to respond and inform the retarded petulant kid that he was confusing them with the CIA?

sistine chapel is literally gay