Ser Brienne of Tarth. Cry about it, chuds

Ser Brienne of Tarth. Cry about it, chuds

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>ser instead of sir
Is this that world building I've heard so much about?

why do we hate her again?

walked past her working at a con, super rude

She's ugly like a sin

We don't. Im.o she's a strong female character done right

We don't.
>stronk female
>no toxic feminism
She was kino.

>Jon Snow instead of John Doe
>Joffrey instead of Geoffrey
>Catelyn instead of Katelyn
>Maester instead of Master
>Rickard instead of Richard
>Lysa instead of Lisa
>Walder instead of Walter
>Podrick instead of Patrick
it's just so dense

She's not

>Aeron instead of Aaron
>Daeron instead of Darrin
>Brynden instead of Brandon
>Brienne instead of Brianne
>Aenys instead of Anus
the list goes on

her fight with Arya was the moment the series jumped the shark for me

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Keep pushing, discord sisters, just a few more posts and we'll take Any Forums from the chuds!!

Cry about it? I want to fugg her

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Astroturfed leftypol raid.

Low T, OP.

>psst. nothing personal, kid.

Brienne was pretty much one of the best things about the series

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It wasn't when Arya survived 2 lethal stab wounds and then a lethal dive in a lave immediately after. Perhaps the lethal chase throughout the city after the stab wounds weren't healed

lol so good

Once I knew Arya had full plot armour and was written to be literally unbeatable I hated every time she appeared on screen.

I could ignore immersion breaking bad writing, but was too cringe to leave my mind

it wasn't every single episode of season 5?

her show version was kind of lame desu

>Male character is written to be a badass who easily beats opponents in fights
WOW! BASED! He's just like me! My fave character ever!

>Female character is written to be a badass who easily beats opponents in fights
Fucking feminazis! SJW bullshit! Cringe Mary Sue!

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Double & Daggers were cringe, but they were more of a filler sideplot