Did boomers really need a documentary to understand that fast food isn't good for you?

Did boomers really need a documentary to understand that fast food isn't good for you?

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It was an effective film, you can tell because OP's still on damage control all these years later.

Yes because McDonalds went from being a burger shack to the biggest fast food chain in the world in their heyday. Middle America got cucked by fast food and that's why the fat American stereotype exists.

Only 30% of Americans had access to the internet in 2004, when the documentary was made

You only know it because boomers who watched this educated you

You can’t watch this movie without craving McDonald’s afterwards. I’m convinced it was part of a secret marketing campaign or something

this guy was a raging alcoholic when he filmed this. that's why he was puking all the time.

See? This is typical of the damage control.

>buh-bad press still works!

This movie is so retarded. "I ate nothing but greasy goyslop for a month and I felt terrible. McDonald's is to blame.

Wasnt this dude an acholiic drinking >1000 calories of alcohol a night?

>Mcdonalds is the only red meat most goy eat
>shut it down

you missed the points of the documentary

yes, it's literally the only way to explain why he had liver problems
There were studies done to replicate this where the participants actually ate 5000 calories of mcdonals, and were not allowed to work out
worst results were they gained about 10-15 pounds
This grifter wouldn't and still wont release the itemised list of what he ate daily, was actively promoting his girlfriends vegetarian book, and admitted that he was an alcky at the time
anyone who watches this or his other documentary and takes them as the literal truth are absolute tards

The follow up movie with the girl who only ate mcdonalds for months only to lose weight and get healthier was much better. Basically called supersize me retarded.

Do zoomers really not know how to use can openers?

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Americans* needed it.
And some are still denying it.

It’s shocking how bad nutrition was among that generation. Eating vegetables or drinking fruit juice was considered as something that made you gay. It’s hard to appreciate how different cultural attitudes were from over here in 2022

Yknow what’s sad? They showed this to us in science class in school :/

>Eating vegetables or drinking fruit juice was considered as something that made you gay.
It's a good thing gayness was eradicated after the veggie lifestyle gained steam

Who's denying it? People don't think eating it en masse is healthy. No one does. You can have it now and then, but overdoing it is bad.

The doctor he saw in the movie literally told him 'I would only see this type of liver damage in an alcoholic'
>lol no doc, it has to be the mcdonalds!

There was no point, retard.

Eating vegetables or drinking fruit juice still makes you gay

can't argue with those digits