Who would have won an open field battle between Rohan and Gondor?

Who would have won an open field battle between Rohan and Gondor?

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Gondor. Superior tactics, numbers, good varied units (heavy cavalry, artillery, archers, heavy infantry) and more experienced commanders.

Rohirim would demolish

Gondor. Bigger army and more experience in war.

Gondor is plain superior in every single way. Rohan just has cooler armor

the horse faggot's no question
have all the spear walls you want they would be encircled and loose to mobility

any open field battle =horses win
i think anyway

if they dig in to "destroy the horses" they get encircled they break out then rinse and repeat ]

but square on a field they get enveloped seperated and slaughter'd

9 times out of ten

Who would attack who? Defender always has it easier.

Armored cavalry always seems to have the advantage against foot soldiers.

Rohan, easily. Spear walls and counter-calvalry tactics don't work in the lotr-verse

Gondor has good cavalry too

Rohan was charging a pike wall of plate armored uruks heads on with zero problems

Do we factor in hobbit supply drops?

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A cavalry unit doesn't really turn the tide against a whole cavalry army all that much though. But gondor do have strong armour, big shields and good archers. Maybe a circle formation with strong defenders on the outer and archers in the middle could fair well.

Gondor's cavalry was trash. Died on their first sortie

Gondor, because they have superior numbers and equipment, more experience fighting diverse cultures, and their own cavalry are pretty good. But Rohan would be stupid to fight them in the open. Rohan could easily defeat an invasion by scorching the earth and retreating, then harassing the enemy army as it marched while starving. Rohan could also invade Gondor and pick fights wherever they have the advantage and withdraw when outnumbered. It's typical steppe fuckery where the settled culture is superior in everything but never gets an opportunity to finish things permanently, while the semi-nomads could move in at any opportune moment, so it's just a matter of time until they get their chance and win.

they would just starve them out
>dig in as cavalry around the formation
wait 2 or 3 day's at about 3/4 of a mile away with 360 coverage
watch them collapse from exhaustion

fegin a charge from somewhere every few hou'rs to keep them on high alert

if they march forward as a unit just salt the ground as you casualy move with the formation


>tough as nails country boy horsemen who seem to train regularly


>prissy ass city boy conscripts in pretty armor and a few useful mercenaries

I'm riding with ROHAN

Sounds a lot like Bulgar-Byzantine wars

why is that? I was wondering that the Death-charge worked at all, or did the orks just not have enough time to position units as a solid spearwall?

Sauron, of course.

that was more of a "ours is not to give reply" situation, I wouldnt judge them for that

Gondor is stronger, that's canon. You idiots don't know anything.

Probably Gondor if you factor in bookfag shit like how Gondor's technologically superior, logistically superior, and still fractionally superhuman.

Rohan out in the open.

Gondor in a siege.

I remember the Knights of Dol Amroth being actually good though.

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do all gondorians have numenorian heritage? or just the leaders?

At least your not a casual

Gondor is meant to be Byzantine Empire
Rohan is shithole Anglo-Saxon England if they had cavalry.

Gondor easily
hackson ruined them, like many other things
i hate hackson so much

Contrary to popular belief a spear wall doesn't instantly stop a charge of 6000 horses. There's not much that can stop 6000 400kg beasts running at 50mph

They're all part Dunedain, the nobility more than the peasants.
Even a Dunedain that on paper is only living to 90 has a pretty big advantage over a regular human because they still age differently. Christopher Tolkien basically said Dunedain remain disproportionately healthy/strong until they're just about to die. So imagine someone with all the experience of a 40 year old man with the body and mind of a 20 year old man. It's still a really big advantage even if they aren't living for centuries anymore.