What am I in for?

What am I in for?

I don't even know if it's a movie or a documentary

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Standard Hotep insanity, it’s pretty funny

>if it's a movie or a documentary
it's a niggerfaggot sexual fantasy

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Demented kino of the highest order.

That nigga lookin zesty.

It's just one massive cope for why African-American males are so fucking gay.

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Threadly reminder

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you get to watch in real time how the intertwining of racial and sexual insecurity creates your own worst nightmare and enemy

its like how pol fears the BBC meme as much as its a running gag. its a true thing. in the same way aznidentity users fear the WMAF. it all stems from sexual insecurity and the feeling of ownership of your racial group. eitherway normal society usually doesnt look twice at these things. but when youre an extremist always thinking about race, these issues pop up often enough that you make them real. ergo, pol posts about BBC, azns about WMAF. and blacks about buck breaking.

in this case, pol gets to cheer because their racial enemies made a self defeating and embaressing blunder. all whilst pol creates its own worst demon by acting as if blacks are some animal or wild beast (an inate connection to sexuality through beastiality)

tldr: bix nood

then explain why white women love black penis so much

It's an instructional video.

A random thread from /qst/, I'm losing my mind and seeing BBC everywhere

>ywn experience the week this movie took over Any Forums again

at least not until Buck Breaking 2: Electric Buckaloo comes out

Kino documentary

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Nogs are gay because they’re high in estrogen, it’s also why they’re so obsessed with shoes, jewelry and fashion in general

The documentary that broke a website

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Back when the catalog was nothing but Boss Hogg Pepes I was out for brunch with my the-gf and the place had "Brittania" in the name.
When the server asked for my order I said "The Breaker's Breakfast, please." she blinked and asked "You mean the Brittania Breakfast?"
"Er, yes. Sorry I think I've been on the internet too long."

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It is funny how BLACKEDposting greatly diminished after the release of this docu

true, but it shows the true colors of lgbt origins, and how they hidden their faggotry behind "im doing it because slaves do not obey!"

It's gay fanfiction

Any Forums tier conspiracy for blacks. basically exchange jews for whites and its what the incels believe

That's a common misconception. BBC is actually an abbreviation for Buck Breakin' Crackas.

>mmmm, make massas shoulders broader... yeahh
>give the buck my face structure too, mm jus like that playa

The documentary that saved human civilization. Future generations will have the calendar system BBB (before buck breaking) and ABB.

>lgbt historians
its like an obese nutriologyst telling you there is nothing wrong with being 400lb.


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It still goes strong and buck breaking doesn't get brought up nearly as much.

>no homo but I love to fuck men in the ass

jews subvert Whites.
blacks subvert themselves.
simple 'as.

A fun movie.
Did you guys know that there used to be law forbidding black women from having their hair uncovered?
They told honkeys at the time it's because black hair is ugly but the real truth of the matter was that white women were worried their husbands would leave them for kweens if they saw true beauty of black hair unleashed so the white wammanz just invented this law because they were jelly and evil.
It's just one of the many interesting and totally true facts this docu taught me.

Fortunately the ingenuity of the White man enabled buck breaking on an industrial scale and it was no longer required to be done manually.

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They don’t outside of porn that spics like you consume

I watched it. He was so close yet (((so far))). He almost had it.

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Wait wtf was it a buck breaking robot? The machine would chase slaves that ran away and then Would rape them more?

if this 'documentary' said all the slave owners who'd raped blacks were jews, you'd agree and this meme probably wouldnt have caught on/been forced as much as it was

Reading it, I think the fuck machine was mounted on a little steam powered buggy that the slavers would chase the slaves with.

>What am I in for?

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>LBGT+ Historians

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So you’re saying cars were originally invented for the purpose of buck breaking? Holy shit history is crazy.

Fuckkkkk need sum spiderbuckussy onggggggggggggggg rn what I would do for a spiderbuck mmmmmm boy oh boy oh boy oh boy... I really, really, really like this image.