What are the best movies about the apocalypse?

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Apocolypse Now.....


cabin in the woods

vaxies will drop like flies any day now. trust the red deer

2 more weeks

Do you think the Any Forumsturds of my screencaps are still alive or killed themselves when they realized that no post-apocalyptic chick was waiting for them in 2022?

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They're probably in /chug/ shilling for Chechens

it's been happening the entire time. you know why there never any commercials for the vaccine and just generic commercial for Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson it's because you have to list all the side effects and one of them is death

Show me a single instance of the vaccine killing anyone chud. You can't. If the vaccine was killing people the news would tell us.

idk but when i went to the ER 4 months ago about heart issues the very first thing they asked is if I got the vaxxx

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Bob Saget

>he very first thing they asked is if I got the vaxxx
..to know if you were more susceptible to covid, user. Covid kills especially weak and old people.

that makes no sense
i didn't have any covbit symptoms

but you could catch covid in the hospital...

Good bait

Underage teenage faggots will scream that it's pretentious art garbage and "nothing's happening in the first half" and that's all the recommendation you should need.
Watch it, it's bloody brilliant.

Fuck, forgot pic.

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Cabin in the Woods is the best SCP and best apocalypse movie and the only thing keeping it from being a full 10/10 masterpiece is Joss Whedon's horrible fucking writing.
