
Peanut Hamper Edition

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Lower Decks is such a great show!

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The TNGeezer who always screeches about trannies is attacking Any Forums generally now.

Well done, LOWbro frens. Well done. We drove him completely nuts.

It's a stupid name.

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Yep. Rangeban incoming.

To be fair, it wasn't a long drive.

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Reminder Peanut Hamper is getting an entire episode to herself this season.


I do love Lower Decks willingness to show ground vehicles. Previously we really only got that in Nemesis but it was Patrick Fagwart's gay dune buggy shit.

I would drive an ARGO.

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A man's Starfleet ground vehicle.

>instantly ruins your Star Trek episode
Post recurring characters who ruin every episode they are in

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That episode where she really wants Miles to cheat on him was pretty good. As well as the one where she tries to destroy the station and blames it on a Pah Wraith.

Why did the Kardashians stop wearing jock straps on their heads?

The best thing about the Pah Wraith ep is that it's literally impossible to distinguish Pah Wraith-possessed Keiko from ordinary Keiko

Looks like the cartroon will bumpslave this forever, so here’s real NEW

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Lwaxanna Troi

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The mods have spoken.

What does /trek/ think of the Trek-inspired Black Mirror ep?

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lol TNGeezer BTFO

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Holograms don't deserve rights.

100% correct.

Does Data? How about Moriarty?

I remember that episode back when it was called Galaxy Quest.

Where's its back half?

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>Does Data?
Yes, but only because he's a pretty unique being.
>How about Moriarty?

Moriarty is just Data without a fancy robot body.

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Moriarity was just created by telling the computer to create a pretty smart hologram. Even by the time of Picard it seems like the Federation couldn't create advanced androids, just dumb ones that follow orders.

Would you put your brain in a robot body?

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