Pov: you are just about to hear a 15 minute rant about women existing

pov: you are just about to hear a 15 minute rant about women existing

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I like to pretend he is my husband who got home drunk and I am just nodding in agreement so he doesn’t beat me

chuds won. cope.

lol no, this fag is super bluepilled


I am about to comment in a thread ofna faggot OP seething

pov: you are about to hear about the ethnicity and sexuality of your son

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I'm pretty sure he's a crypto Nazi. Else why would be use (((echoes)))?


getting drunk and seething isn't a personality trait. put down the bottle weak faggots

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no different than spending 15 minutes here

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I miss when redpill had an actual meaning and wasnt just used by self described incel spic mutts

What meaning? Getting out of the Matrix?

the pre 2016 meaning

I bet he fucks real good
Just a hunch

His videos are all the same. Don't you guys get tired of the same thing over and over again/?


I think his analysis of She-Hulk: A lesson in bad writing. Is getting more views than the show itself. top kek tbqhwy

We need a critical drinker chudjak edit


Well you could make one yourself if you had any wit or talent.

Why is the cap still on lmao

My little sister could beat the shit outta this fag


They sound the same and of course you should only look at it as a little info-tainment. If anything it mocks the way how corporate culture has fallen for retarded ideolgues who clearly are maladjusted and/or commie sympathizers.
The thing that tires me more is mass media obviously being captured by a set of ideas that are fucking retarded and are actively dragging down whatever it touches. Fags like Alex Berenson and others made a nice observation, those that control mass media lost their fucking minds after the Orange Man got into office and threw any sort of self-reflection and restraint out of the window and went full propaganda. We already knew shit like this would happen because of GamerGate and other gay diversity shit they were pulling, but somewhere around 2012 shit went decisively downhill.


i don't feel like it. Do it for me, slave.

kinda like woke propaganda ruining IPs? Dont you get tired of it over and over?

you just described Any Forums