Why couldn't she just confess her love for Arnold?

why couldn't she just confess her love for Arnold?

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Because he was a Jew and it was forbidden.

because women don't know what they want

she wants him to confess first

Autism and social anxiety. Same thing happened to me and my childhood female friend eventually got married and then died last year. Lel. Life is retarded. I wish I got a do-over. I wasted my shot and now I'm all washed up but I still have 30-60 years of life to live. So fucking dumb.

Teenagers are retarded.

>Why don't you just tell her
It didn't go well for you did it user

because she's a tard that says shit like "you make my girlhood tremble". It'd scare the boy

Because whoever confesses first will be the bitch in the relationship and she didn't want to relinquish her power so easily.

Because society imposed that men should make the first step first

Y'all really had this thread up for this long without the hey Arnold erotica spammer come in?

almost all women are like her, they can like you and obsess over you and dream of being with you but never ever will confess you because is a biological and hormonal thing they have. So men always have to aproach and insist with women. yeah is retarded but is almost a rule.

she was afraid that he wouldn't reciprocate, and that he'd let her down, like her absent family did
it's shown throughout the cartoon, especially in the episode Helga on the Couch, when she tells a therapist her life story and how Arnold was the first person to show genuine care towards her

If I remember Helga on the Couch correctly;
Helga fell in love with Arnold in kindergarten because the backstory we all know, but also doesn’t wanna be looked down on
So it was also in kindergarten she learned to act tough around all the other kids or else they would shun her as well
Therefore she manages both her wants by being tough so everyone respects her, while also orbiting Arnold so she can catch stray droplets of his attention.
Kind of a Catch-22, she needs both respect and love but can’t have both.

She does. Multiple times. The actual fuck are any of you deranged mongoloids talking about?

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damn sorry to hear that bro life fuckin sucks

Shit took her 5 seasons and a movie to get the first confession out and she immediately retracted it

why couldn't susie just confess her love for kris?

Because Toby changed his mind and decided halfway in she’s gonna be lesbian for that one background character

Oh, you mean directly to Arnold? It wasn't even her that stepped back from that, it was him. She confesses her love for Arnold to multiple characters over the original show.
And she does end up with Arnold in the end anyway. OP is misinformed.

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It was because of this show I thought the girl who bullied me really liked me deep down. It turns out she really did hate me. She told the police I was standing outside her window when I lived several miles away.

Most guys would kill for a girl to obsessively worship and stalk them because the average guy is having less sex

>And she does end up with Arnold in the end anyway.
the only good thing to come out of that terrible movie anyway

imagine grimes obsessed with you

Helg doesn't love Arnold. She loves herself. Arnold is a sort of muse for her. She channels the obsession into writing sculpture, ritual, etc. Those are the things she loves. The muse is interchangeable, in all likelihood.

>most guys are braindead fucking retarded
Yeah, true.
It was confirmed in the show, years before JM was released.

>they can like you and obsess over you and dream of being with you
you already lost me. women never thought like that about me.