ITT: Films that woman and gays will never ever understand

ITT: Films that woman and gays will never ever understand

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The Shadow (1994)

I like the original more

All women are like Elvira so they understand being money-grubbing whores.

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Dead kids? Fuck that mang

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Haha. Oh boy. Bahahahaha. Yep, they're watching alright

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He said >and Gays

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What's a movie a man will never understand?

But Travis was a closet pedo fag

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The Big Wednesday is a great man movie.

By the way tony montana dressed, gays should be all over it

tony montana dressed sleazecore, not gay

New York/New Jersy/Florida fags would have been all over him.

I just watched all of these in a row over the last 4 days. I need Pacino, I might watch Cruising tonight.