Name one actor

Just one actor that would still have chosen this career if they weren't paid more than minimum wage, were not given fame, no access to drugs, and no cult connections. Name one motherfucker who would become an actor because acting is their life's passion.

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Nice tortie, here’s mine.

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Very nice cats, excellent job anons

>no actors deserve minimum wage because I spent all day as a computer programmer today coding and it makes me mad I don't get millions for being more USEFUL FOR SOCIETY
Kek. Wagies raging at Hollywood is funny because they only exist to placate the wagies. Actors and actresses serve more purpose than you by placating the rest of you.
Keep seething at being poor..

Is this kind of cat bascially perfectly camouflaged in a backyard garden?


>mfw I don't work and I am a trust fund baby, just asking a fun question

you okay there??

Jackie Chan

Rutger Hauer

Tom Cruise

maine coon > tortie = calico > ginger >>> all other cats

have you ever been to LA? ever met an actor? they are all insane and narcissistic in some way, i have no doubt there would still be a shitload of actors

I miss my cat so much...

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I heard these have a mean disposition, any truth to 5his? Cute cot.

This is literally 99% of all actors. You just pay attention to the 1% of actors that are “famous”. There are shows every night in every town in the world. All put on by actors that love acting and they don’t get paid shit. Go outside…just once.

Nicolas Cage.

Not mean so much as a real strong personality. My tortie was very sweet. Loud meow though. They like to hear themselves talk.

Aa yes

my tortie is extremely noisy and energetic but also very sweet and affectionate. not mean at all, just more work than your average cat

I wish I had a cat:(.

Came here to say this

Shia lebouf

me desu
