Serious Question: I thought a lot of GoT characters were racist?

Go watch GoT, the majority of the population will discriminate against you for anything and everything, they’re assholes. So are we supposed to forget this now? This show is fucking ridiculous on every level, and they know it.

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a lot changes in 200 years...

stop projecting your racism on characters, gosh whats wrong with this show's fandom

Redditard go back.

including a genocide?

Racism does not exist in asoiaf cause concept of race does not exist in that universe

Go read the book

This. If you're a white guy with the same religion and language but live in the next region 100 kilometers away you will be called scum and be discriminated. But local blacks are ok, they're the same as us.

not true whatsoever, where did you even come up with this


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>200 years

I thought this was way earlier than 200? Didn't the last dragon die 300 before Song of Ice and Fire? And that was a small weak dragon? What's the timeline here?

>I thought this was way earlier than 200? Didn't the last dragon die 300 before Song of Ice and Fire?
HOTD start in the year 101 and timeskip after timeskip we will reach year 129 (start of the war) in the last episodes.
Almost all dragons died in the 129-131 timeframe. Then after that fewer and fewer dragons were born, and they were small and ill, until the last dragon died as small as a dog around 20 years after the war.
Between this small ill dragon and the birth of the three dragons hatched by Dany (year 298), there were almost 150 years without know living dragons

So are all the brown people Targaryens and the brown trait was lost with the family or are there more among the Westerosi? If it's the latter, where did they go? There's less than 200 years to GoT, it's not enough time to change their genetics.

Nigga clearly didnt reject cause of the age

I know I wouldn't have.


GOT is a show with a largely progressive audience. Even if they thought it was weird they aren't gonna say anything.

I mean user is partially right.
In ancient times racism was skin based but more culture/region based.
So you if you were in some roman province they didn't have problems with blacks from the same province but could hate whites from other provinces/civilizations etc.

So basically there was a lot of racism for example against jews(similar looks but different culture/born place), and not against local blacks.


It's just another retarded libshitism that makes zero sense. They feel the need to make up some bullshit and then preach it as fact, like they are an authority on the matter. The idea that humans suddenly noticed there were different races in the 1600s is one of the dumbest leftoidisms there is, and that is saying a lot considering how many asinine theories they come up with.

Shut the fuck up you retard.

I swear they just randomly picked a mixed girl from a catalog. She is weird looking and can't act. The casting on this thing is really bad.

>Blackwash entire family
>Leave dialogues the same
>Hilarity ensues
top kek

The only real question should be:
where the titties at

They're rich as fuck and considered Valyrian by everyone, so no, they wouldn't be discriminated against. Just go back to whining about woke casting choices and the Jews ruining your medieval fantasy by adding black people instead, you'll sound less like a retard.

>It's just another retarded libshitism that makes zero sense. They feel the need to make up some bullshit and then preach it as fact, like they are an authority on the matter. The idea that humans suddenly noticed there were different races in the 1600s is one of the dumbest leftoidisms there is, and that is saying a lot considering how many asinine theories they come up with.

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You're retarded, plus Romans/Byzantines developed very successful diplomacy formulas that were based off of the ethnic stereotypes of the people they were dealing with. Franks, Slavs, Huns, Turkic steppe tribes, Normans, Arabs etc. were all perceived differently and Byzantines treated them according to their backgrounds. It was a lot easier bribing stateless nomads than an army of raiding Arabs.