No, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him? Why did he do it?

No, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him? Why did he do it?

Attached: AF2A15F6-9068-44EA-912E-F25A847568C5.jpg (487x629, 15.73K)

He let the Christ fuck him.


lack of cunny

Pazuzu has a devil put aside for meeee!

what no pussy does to a nigga.

he is a wanker

Attached: ginosaji.jpg (1920x1080, 87.18K)

His Dick was literally a snake

He was honestly just a jerk. Some demons are born that way i guess.

he was a incel

Are demons bad because they're bad? Are there any friendly demons who inspire others to be kind?

>why did he do it
because he hates Fr Merrin and wanted to mess him up

Who would win in a fight? Pazuzu, or Zuzu Petals?

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Prince Stolas seems to be a kind teacher

Ironically Pazuzu in mesopotamian mythology is actually a friendly demon who scares off another demon that causes infant mortality in childbirth.

I love reading about all these mythologies. The world is so barren of any excitement now. Why did white people have to invent secularism and modernity? :/ Now I can't even believe as everyone is sufficiently or frighteningly westernised now.

mesopotamian kid dying of a tooth infection but reveling in the fact that his folklore is "exciting"

Japanese and chinese mythology are full of demons that can be good, but usually kill you horrifically if you do the wrong thing

>when u nutted but she still suckin'

Seethes at Christ 24/7

When did you figure out pazzuz protects moms and kids. Mine was about 3 weeks ago