ITT: Films only you have seen

ITT: Films only you have seen.

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One of my favorite obscure waifus is in this.

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This came on Comedy Central every week in the 90s
No one watched it except you because it sucks

Warriors of Virtue

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Gee I wonder what the famous Yahoo Serious is doing these days.

what the fuck I need to see this

That Young Einstein money finally dried out and he's homeless from covid aussie laws

I just looked it up and it's got 18% on RT but I remember it blew my mind as a kid and I watched the VHS like 100 times. no idea what it would be like watching it for the first time now

everyone saw this.

and it's fucking kino

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I miss the days Comedy Central showed low quality 80s of this quality constantly. For me it was this one I’d watch it everytime they aired it

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some kids movie I watched on TV on 12AM
not even my mom believed it when I told her

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>from the writer of Fright Night and director of Commando
Creaming my panties and queueing up as we type

The trilogy is excellent but the middle entry shines.

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The story how this movie happened is very interesting. Just from Wikipedia: >Warriors cost $56 million to produce. The film's producers, brothers Ron, Dennis, Christopher, and Jeremy Law were surgeons by trade and had never produced a film before. Their father, Joseph Law, was a wealthy toy manufacturer in China, who put up most of the reported $36 million shooting budget, though reportedly other investors were also involved. MGM distributed the film and sunk a reported $20 million on prints and advertising.

Saw this as a kid and for a long time afterwards thought I'd dreamed it because when I explained the plot to people nobody knew what the fuck I was talking about.

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You know what would be a better title for this? VenKILLoquist. Yeah, fuck I'm so clever.

Pretty big budget, absolutely insane

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HEAT betatest by the Mann himself. Pretty sweet movie, especially when you contrast it with heat

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based department's calling, lad

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It's basically a Ninja Turtles knock-off but with kangaroo people. There were a ton of them in that era. Dinosaur City for example.

I miss that honestly. I wish people were still making movies with practical effects lovable rubber monsters.

Watched it all the time as a kid then went years without seeing it again and it was sort of meh. If I watched it again I might like it out of nostalgia though.

Do you one better

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that movie is not nearly as obscure as you think it is OP

>no Blu-ray release
>no 1080p digital release
Maybe not obscure but forgotten.