What was he thinking here?

What was he thinking here?

Attached: 3F4AC0CF-B8BC-46F3-A62B-1E07B8C2D2B5.jpg (1200x676, 86.21K)

there's no honor amongst sith


>m-maybe I should tell them Chancellor Palpatine is really Darth -ACK




>Lucas, is this really how my role en-ACK!





He always knew that Sidious would betray him but he was shocked that he was doing it so overtly, in front of jedi, in his guise as a politician. It must have been so confusing and bizarre to him that Sidious would give an order like that to a Jedi, because he didn't know how hard Sheev had been workin anakin

>but...rock...beats scissors....

>And he knows, then, that all has indeed been going according to plan. Sidious's plan, not his own. This had been a Jedi trap | indeed, but Jedi were not the quarry.
>They were the bait.
>"Anakin," Palpatine says quietly. "Finish him."
>Years of Jedi training make Anakin hesitate; he looks down upon Dooku and sees not a Lord of the Sith but a beaten, broken, cringing old man.
>"I shouldn't-"
>But when Palpatine barks, "Do it! Now!" Anakin realizes that this isn't actually an order. That it is, in fact, nothing more than what he's been waiting for his whole life.
>And Dooku-As he looks up into the eyes of Anakin Skywalker for the final time, Count Dooku knows that he has been deceived not just today, but for many, many years. That he has never been the true apprentice. That he has never been the heir to the power of the Sith. He has been only a tool.
>His whole life-all his victories, all his struggles, all his heritage, all his principles and his sacrifices, everything he's done, everything he owns, everything he's been, all his dreams and grand vision for the future Empire and the Army of Sith-have been only a pathetic sham, because all of them, all of him, add up only to this.
>He has existed only for this.
>To be the victim of Anakin Skywalker's first cold-blooded murder.
>First but not, he knows, the last
>Then the blades crossed at his throat uncross like scissors.
>And all of him becomes nothing at all.
>Murderer and murdered each stared blindly.
>But only the murderer blinked.

Attached: Read the novelization.jpg (1999x4000, 625.55K)

>*Record Scratch*
>Yep. That's me.
>You might be wondering how I got into this situation.
>Well, it all began on a not-so-cold and not-so-lonely night some fortyish years ago...

To be fair Palpatine didn't even ask on what charges. He just went straight into sperg mode and started killing the Jedi. Reasonably he should have just let himself be arrested. The senate would have 100% supported him and condemned the Jedi. They had literally no evidence of anything.

the novelization generally improves his plan.
[ the following is a transcript of an audio recording presented before the Galactic Senate on the afternoon of the first Empire Day; identities of all speakers verified and confirmed by voiceprint analysis]
(some shit skipped for character limit)
>PALPATINE: Am I? Even if true, that's hardly a crime. My philosophical outlook is a personal matter. In fact-the last time I read the Constitution, anyway-we have very strict laws against this type of persecution. So I ask you again: what is my alleged crime? How do you expect to justify your mutiny before the Senate? Or do you intend to arrest the Senate as well?
>MACE WINDU: We're not here to argue with you.
>PALPATINE: No, you're here to imprison me without trial. Without even the pretense of legality. So this is the plan, at last: the Jedi are taking over the Republic.
>MACE WINDU: Come with us. Now.
>PALPATINE: I shall do no such thing. If you intend to murder me, you can do so right here.
>MACE WINDU: Don't try to resist.
>[sounds that have been identified by frequency resonances to be the ignition of several lightsabers]
>PALPATINE: Resist? How could I possibly resist? This is murder, you Jedi traitors! How can I be any threat to you? Master Tiin-you're the telepath. What am I thinking right now?
>[sounds of scuffle]
>KIT FISTO: Saesee-AGEN KOLAR: [garbled; possibly "It doesn't hurt"(?)]
>[sounds of scuffle]
>PALPATINE: Help! Help! Security-someone! Help me!
>Murder! Treason!
[ recording ends ]


Probably about dem beans.


He was actually supposed to beg for his life in this scene, but Christiper Lee was against it. He thought it unbecoming of the character.