Hopes and expectations for Becky 2 starring Lulu Wilson

Hopes and expectations for Becky 2 starring Lulu Wilson

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Interracial sex

Becky Boobies.

McKenna grew a nose. Lulu grew tits. What a world.

rude mckenna's cute as a button and I would very much like to see a kenna/lulu reunion

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Holy SHIT I I just realized she looks exactly like Ashley from resident evil 4

Pretty eyes, is Becky any good?


there's some resemblance but I wouldn't say exactly

it's okay, nothing amazing but good enough to waste 2 hours if you're not doing anything. She was also in Haunting of Hill House and Annabelle Creation

She reunited with Violet McGraw recently but no McKenny yet

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I recognized her from Ouija: Origin of Evil, Analise Basso was also in it.

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yeah she was in that too, she does mostly horror

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ew eye shape


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what are they putting in the water amirite guize?

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>Becky 2
They're actually doing it?

Hopefully she embraces the Nazi side of her more and teams up with them

It's already confirmed that it's the brother who is seeking revenge against her

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Her actual brother or the little nigglet that belongs to the black her dad was fucking