She's literally perfect

she's literally perfect

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I always thought she was meh and then one day it hit me. She has erotic energy.


Attached: tranny.jpg (1080x720, 181.01K)

I would also blast cum inside her mouth

Californians get what they fucking deserve

She seems really likable, fun, and nurturing. She's not hot or really terribly attractive but she'd be a top tier wife.

41% when?

>wedding photo
At least he's a lesbian and can carry on the Curtis bloodline with his mutt wife.

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Why are people all trooning out? What’s going on?
>it’s da jooz
The Jews could never convince me to chop my duck off and west a wig and to call me Suzan so what is it?

Maybe anime has something to do with it. Don't let your sons become weebs.

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Thread got gay and derailed into troon obsession real early
Later fags

her boobs were amazing. Source: this webm i have

It's somewhat the jews. Being a tranny is a hip way for a white guy to get some recognition instead of working hard for it. Sure there have been a few "chads" who have troon'd, but most of them are dweebs, weebs, and incels. They're easy pickings and prey for LGBT communities. We need to give men a purpose again in the western world.

Weak men with zero agency in their lives grasping for some form of social acceptance

you watch too many Jordan Peterson videos

>Weak men with zero agency in their lives
so what you're saying is the incel to tranny pipeline is real

Halloween was her peak. After that she was too old

it's not as prevalent as media/internet would have you believe

I liked her tits in Trading Places. Too bad that was 40 years ago

David bowie?

A Fish Called Wanda was her peak.