Name 1 (one) thing he did wrong

Name 1 (one) thing he did wrong

Attached: Giancarlo-Esposito-Gus-Fring-Breaking-Bad-Better-Call-Saul-750x400.jpg (750x400, 30.44K)

Had gay sex

hes black

running a drug empire

Not killing that pathetic fuckup Jesse.

doing business with walt
showing his face to walt when he showed up for the second time in pollos
he should've trusted his own instincts and told gale to suck it up and cope with an (almost indiscernably) inferior product

what would sex with gus be like?

He got himself killed because he was such an arrogant prick he felt the need to see that old fuck in the nursing home.

murder is generally accepted as wrong

Built a successful regional fast food chain from the ground up, taking ownership of every single aspect of the operation from food sourcing to the laundry and threw it all away for revenge. How much legitimate income do you think he cleared annually? It had to be in the mid-six figures, more than enough for any reasonable person to be happy, and money aside he seemed to legitimately enjoy managing his restaurants and was a good boss. But nope, gotta cook meth becauseā€¦ I JUST DO, OKAY?!

With you involved? Not up to Los Pollos Hermanos standards.

Has two street dealers that use children to deal his product, allows his street dealers to use said child to engage in murder in broad daylight, engages in a face to face sit down with the dealers and his two nigh irreplaceable prize meth cooks, sides with the dealers even though the kid is family of one of your meth cooks, orders the execution of the child anyway expecting no repercussions

they killed his lover and made fun of him. I'd probably do the same on his position


Allowing Jesse to work with Waltuh.

threatened to kill best character (walt jr.)

The best revenge is living well.

his name is FLYNN

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You're talking about the difference between hundreds of thousands versus tens, if not hundreds, of millions per annum. Gus was a sociopath and a perfectionist, so of course he applied the same discipline to his front organisation. Most importantly, a well-run business attracts less suspicion than a shitty one.

Tried to kill Walts family
Killed his backup cook for no reason
Killed salamancas for no real reason
Killed nacho basically

Too ruthless, too vengeful, too gay

Being gay
Trusting Walt after Jesse fucked it up

Giving Walt like three second chances