This was considered comically fat in the 90s

>This was considered comically fat in the 90s

Attached: seinfeld george fat.png (710x473, 552.15K)

Literally me except I'm not a manlet.

Gross man titties

Hahahahhaha look at that fat little manlet. I pity anyone sharing any features with him.

No, the show always described him as stocky.

If he didn't have his pants up so high, he'd look a lot more porky

Attached: file.png (387x290, 122.74K)

his body is not an issue, he's basically got the same body type as Don Draper. the difference is he's short and bald, no body type is going to save that and he'd arguably look even more weird/repulsive if he was ripped

Attached: DowvWxfXUAAgFgW.jpg (2048x1144, 167.76K)

No, this was

Attached: MV5BMzUxYWM5MTItMWUzZC00ODRhLWFjZjktMjk1OWY5ZGY0ZDhiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzk0NzgwMTE@._V1_UY1200_CR725,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 44.17K)

When do they even make fun of George for being fat? He's not fat as a joke, he's just short and bald as a joke.

No this was

Attached: cheers norm.jpg (2100x3120, 2.01M)

wrong, just wrong

Attached: 46dda72e66f97c434f3958d7aed8c072[1].jpg (625x938, 59.92K)

at george's height, he's maybe 15 lbs away from looking exactly like that. not a big deal

George was never made fun of for being fat in the show, he was called stocky but that’s it. He was ugly, 5’5, and bald

This was your average 35 year old in the 80s
That is a sad ass


Yes you are

I'm just like george but with hair

He was in pretty good build for a guy in his 30s.

lol no

Yes, he was, even more considering he didn't even exercise regularly.



Attached: seinfeld shrinkaghe.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)