Name a better heist movie

Name a better heist movie

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Ocean's Twelve

miami vice

I literally can't, you win the internet today op



It's like Heat but shittier

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Thief by the same Director

Did they turn on big head mode for the poster?

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There's a heist in the movie but its not central to it, it's cool buddy cops just like the show

Also his best movie in general

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Technically this counts.

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This is just an action movie. Heat has like 2 action scenes in 2 hours

Unironically all of these

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>Name a better heist movie
I wish I could, but I can't.


The Killing 1956

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Not even the best Michael Kenneth Mann heist movie, that title is taken by Thief.

Out of Sight

The Friends of Eddie Coyle

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Also the Asphalt Jungle 1950

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>we tussled!
It was a lot better before the current year.

The Town, has everything Heat does but better

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>tfw no REAL Animal Kingdom movie with Pope going berserk

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