And to you ringbearer, I give you our greatest gift: a flash light

And to you ringbearer, I give you our greatest gift: a flash light.

Good luck!

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It's her pee.

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When the movies first came out, it was really weird to wait years to get the pay off for this thing. Forgot he even had it by the time he uses it on Shelob

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To be fair, a flashlight would be incredible in a fantasy world without electricity. They were constantly relying on Gaydalf's glowing dildostick

It's literally the light of a Silmaril. It repels creatures of darkness.

It's like 9000 lumens though.

ok nerd
its funny cause in a way you're just like light of Silmaril, only you repel creatures with vaginas

And to you ringbearer, I give you our greatest gift: a fleshlight.

It's like the solar flare in DBZ though

Gimli only got 3 locks of her hair.

Shelob had a vagina, so it still works

>Can't you give me a repeating crossbow?

You're thinking of Maeglin.

bro those were her pubes and the most valuable 3 hairs on the whole planet.

Modeled after mine own pussy

what would happen if I drank it?

It's a pretty cool gift desu
She probably only made it to dab on Feanor anyway

You'd turn into Dr. Manhatten

>...and for you, brave dwarf, here is the Crack Pipe of Elendil. Only use it in the darkest of times.

i mean it saved him did it not? retard.

If you were to give a flashlight to someone in the middle ages they'd think it was an awesome gift too

And then they'd murder you for being in league with Satan.

Fuck you for making me google whether spiders have vaginas. They don't btw

>ohhh thanks that soo cool...wait i thought you said 'fleshlight'

>And for you Legolas of our kin, here's a Barrett M82 with a magical enchantment to never run out of ammo...what? this is not favouritism or anything. Here Gimli, some hair from the sink

No they wouldn't

>may you one day drink it and beat off like crazy

>you repel creatures with vaginas

Attached: vaginas.png (704x523, 20.17K)

Shelob is a hot chick, learn your lore, bro.


you are on a list now bro

Lmao marvelous