Nurse Ratched was a honest woman doing her job. Those nutcases needed to be thought a lesson!

Attached: Nurse Ratched.gif (200x200, 199.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>mental institutions are LE BAD

>neglectful abusive witch doctors LE GOOD

I'm sure you're a frequent resident, please don't forget your meds

i'd give her a creampie in this movie

The mentally ill are even worse to deal with than drug addicts. You would quickly lose all sympathy for them if you had to put up with their bullshit daily.

Attached: I-myself-spent-nine-years-in-an-insane-asylum-and-I-never-had-the-obsession-of-suicide-but-I-know-that-each-conversation-with-a-psychiatrist-every-morning..-Antonin-Artaud.jpg (850x400, 94.02K)

she was kinda hot ngl

Yeah I'm sure that's what the Cardassians said when they were occupying her planet.

This movie is why my cousin got stabbed by a schizo junkie who has been let out of jail 40 times and she lost feeling in her arm and now sits at home fat and depressed instead of making a family :(

>a movie made someone stab a random person
Based schizo

>unable to function, brain circuit related problems

It's a good thing Reagan closed them all down.

ahahah what a dumb bitch

As someone who was drugged into insanity by their own family during the big "get all kids on amphetamines" craze of the early 2000s this has me feeling some kind of way

Why are all bajorans such bitches?

They got rid of institutions in my country after this movie. They have nowhere to put the mentally ill so they roam free and build tents and stab girls

undeniably unabashedly based as well as redpilled.


so like did she ever get naked in any movies?


>no say in the matter
>days without sleep while brain is still developing
Yes I am the victim

had to google it but there's a bunch of fakes

Think how shitty it is for them. Especially the ones lucid enough to see how their behavior inconveniences others but are still unable to change because of how fucked up they are

>Of course our kids get to decide what medical treatment it gets!
>Oh I guess it doesn't like the taste of this antibiotic, in that case he doesn't have to take it!
>Oh, he wants to be a girl? Off with the dick then!
>You see, we didn't vaccinate our kid because she didn't like needles so that's why she's dying of an easily preventable disease right now
Kids are idiots and you can barely trust them with what they want to wear for kindergarten