Any actors where you'll automatically watch any movie he's in without even looking up what it's about because you trust...

Any actors where you'll automatically watch any movie he's in without even looking up what it's about because you trust his judgment that much?

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Adolf Hitler

Oh that guy was shit. I'd kill him if I ever met him.

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No, but I do that with directors.

Could be another Adolf Hitler you're thinking of

Adam Driver, Star Wars aside

Fucking loved Runaway Train, was peak fun watching it

>Star Wars aside
He's literally the only reason I'd even consider suggesting watching the sequels to anyone

Certainly while the sequels themselves aren't really worth watching, it shows what a good actor he is that he manages to do a great job even in those.

i was gonna say willem dafoe but i didn't watch the northman so i don't know.

Willem Dafoe

Jamie Bell.

Dano, Pattinson, Dafoe

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Willem DaFoe

Yup, this is my holy trinity. Maybe Casey Affleck too.

Nicholas Cage


Eva green, because I love seeing her tits

He got unfairly typecast but he's a brilliant comedic actor

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Gandolfini. Pitt. Cruise. Morena Baccarin.

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Kstew, or rather, I used to up until the last few years where she began picking bad scripts to be a part of.

shit picks desu

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Nah my picks are wonderful.

Tom Hardy

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