What is the "official" explanation for Jedi / Sith NOT USING THE FORCE TO SWITCH OFF OPPONENTS' LIGHTSABERS?

I heard something in the ether about "Honour code"... Surely, Shirley, they haven't predicated every fight involving a Lightsaber, throughout the entire SW timeline, upon the absurd notion of "honour codes" between arch enemies bent dismembering one another...?!

If sportsman-like conduct is all that staves of every Lightsaber wielder from being decapitated 5 seconds into a fight, because his opponent used a "Force flick" to de-energise his Kyber crystal, why did a non-Force sensitive Jar Jar Binks stand-in manage to survive even half-a-second against the raging emo incel, Gaylord Rimjob? Or, why didn't Palps just switch off his grand kid's weapon, instead of self-electrocuting? Is this really the most retarded oversight in film since (before) The Matrix's Law of Conservation of Energy defying, "human battery farms"...?!

My tacit take has always been that the first thing any Youngling given a lethal plasma weapon to flail around like a nerf bat, was first taught to master the Force ability of keeping the LS switch firmly in the "ON" position -- i.e., if they cannot do that, it doesn't ignite and, therefore, they can't even train with it...

Either that, or the weapons have some "magic fingerprint" tech that prevents manipulation while held in its owner's hand... Albeit, this latter take is kind of Midi-Chlorian stupid: for one thing, many have used foreign Lightsabers in SW canon -- of note, Gnr. Grievous.

So, what's the deal with the LS switches -- why not just flick 'em off at the point of first impact, thereby, rendering the weapons utterly redundant for use against anyone but space Muggles?

Attached: fauci--DARTH_PLAGUEIS.jpg (1144x666, 448.16K)

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fingerprint encoding duh

I always assumed that force users could defend themselves from the telekinesis of other force users. Otherwise, everyone would just immediately force choke each other.

Why can't you imagine them simply holding the switch in place?

Fuck off; nobody is going to read that.

Like saying why don't they just use a bunch of guns with the force like gundam or why doesn't someone just yank it out of their hand or a ton of other things by pushing their limbs

In theory, I think Jedi simply can Force block the push and sort of have Force block around the button at all times. Lucas movies are pretty consistent with that theory.
>In SW1 only Ben and Vader have duel, attempting to push button off with Force is futile
>In SW2 Vader was just toying with Luke throughout
>In SW3 Palpatine was toying with them both, plus Luke has become a capable Jedi, at best they would reach a stalemate trying to Force push each other buttons
Same with prequels, this logic would essentially force both Force users into Force stalemate, it gets funny only in sequels where Kylo Ren totally could do that to both Finn and Rey. Asking why Force users don't do that is like asking why don't gun owners just shoot each other's guns.

Yeah... But, is there more than just a "theory" for this -- has it ever been officially addressed, in canon or by Lucas?

Attached: youngling_murder.webm (800x600, 2.87M)

Why would it be, literally only insane people care

I believe only sequels, which shouldn't be given too much credibility, could be seen as addressing that. When Smoke was jerking off torturing Rey Kylo used that moment to Force push the button on the lightsaber to kill him. Meaning Snoke 1) busy jerking Rey around 2) stupid to keep the saber at exact angle to cut him 3) stupid to not expect treachery from Kylo Ren, a trait that's straight up rewarded by the Sith. But in any case, it worked that time because Snoke had all his attention on Rey, it's safe to assume Kylo Ren's plan worked only because he specifically devised a moment where Snoke wouldn't be able to Force block Kylo Ren's plan. It would be consistent with my line of logic, which makes me sad, I don't wish to rely on fucking Last Jedi for consistency or logic.

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has anyone turned a lightsaber on while holding it against someone like a really long switchblade?

What if you should hold the button to turn on lightsaber instead of just pushing it?
Also turning off one small button on time lightsaber would take a lot of concentration, sith usually would push their opponent with all force instead.

Using the force in the films particularly the OT shows using the force telekinetically user to stay more or less in place, concentrate, use his hands and direct it at whatever he wants to manipulate. In the heat of battle doing this would allow your enemy to cut you down.

*requires the

It's Force Barrier you dumb fuck. Read Darth Bane.

The most common explanation is that lightsabers are "on" through the act of HOLDING down a button/switch. That's why whenever someone is shown dropping a lightsaber, it automatically turns off.

The question is stupid regardless. You may as well be asking "why do they even fight with lightsabers, why don't they just use the force to throw each other around?". Which is a valid question that is never really addressed in any film.

george never though any of it through.
he just wanted swordfights in his movie

Idk senpai it would probably be something like trying to shoot the pistol out of a hand of the other guy.

it is in discussed in the EU books. Force users have like a force shield around their entire bodies that protects them from force attacks. There is an animal however that can make it void, some kind of lizard called a salmanari or some shit that Admiaral Thrawn uses. I thought it was dumb at the time and just a plot contrivance to make Thrawn -who wasn't a force user- able to take on someone who was or basically a way to make him into a more bad ass character as a man when he was essentially dueling demi-gods (which it was) but over time the idea grew on me and it isnt beyond the realm of possibility. It is similar to the helmet magneto wore to protect him from Charles Xavier.

Force powers do not function like rpg skills or superhero flame attacks or whatever.
They efficacy are based primarily on drama, on emotion, on function within a story and on hierarchies.
That’s why there will never be a force power display where someone gives another a heart attack. That’s not the way these things are used.

Are you okay user? It literally takes less than 20 seconds to read. Would you rather not just all replies but all threads as well just being
So it's easier to digest?

>"EU" fanfic shit
lol, fail

Isn't Vader throwing his lightsaber in RotJ?

more cannon than soi wars Twink