He really thinks he's hot shit, doesn't he?

he really thinks he's hot shit, doesn't he?

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You would too if people heaped artificial and undeserved praise on you for your boring movies just because you're black.

Why does he look light skinned in some pictures but darker in others? Am I thinking of two different actors or does he have some Michael Jackson thing going on?

Probably easy to think you are when the media calls every 5/10 movie you make a classic.

Man I wish I had a jewish wife who’s related to a guy who founded multiple news websites so my shit movies would be astroturfed to hell and back


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Hard to say. I think he was more humble as a comedian

Ummm she’s italian not jewish but it’s also like the holocaust if you make fun of her disgusting big nose


On some level he has to know it's all fake right?

Check your facts famalam, she's jewish

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She used to deny it

He's a half

He is a good director and his movies are at least more creative than Annabelle 7, Conjuring 5, Halloween 5.2, Scream 8, kid is evil, haunted house again, b b but he casts black people wahhhh

You got very low standards for "good".

twilight zone should have cemented him as a hack.

>His movies are more creative than the 7th iteration in tired horror franchises
What a talent.

lmao, you seething polshitters are fucking embarrassing, imagine being white and still being a failure in life HAHAHAHAH holy shit just kys already

He's a medium talent at best. Cry more.

the hulk is black now?

h-hey Jordan, h-how's it going big guy
listen, umm... you think you can get me some work, man? Things are rough out there

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what a fall for Patrick Stewart, too. From world-renowned Shakesperean actor to this. Can't imagine he needed the money THAT badly

Jim Norton used to stick his gross dick inside the mother of this nigga’s child, so funny.

>Hasn't even gotten a cameo in any of his movies
FUCK Peele

he's in the Mario Movie, he'll be fine


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