What do you think about Hollywood's new attempt at portraying Willy Wonka, the irredeemable sociopath?

What do you think about Hollywood's new attempt at portraying Willy Wonka, the irredeemable sociopath?

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He's the new Depp
He's the new DiCaprio
He's the new Brando
most importantly, he's jewish.
is there anything he can't do?

is there a reason why they keep redoing this fucking movie?

Every generation needs to be mentally scarred

I don't like it because shills have been making many threads a day trying to drum up enthusiasm for what we all know is going to be shit, yet another creatively bankrupt reboot/sequel/prequel etc etc

A better way to judge the actors cognitive skills if they ever commit a crime

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Same reason Dracula, Treasure Island and The Three Musketeers keep getting adapted.
It's a popular book with a story that is easily adaptable.

Plus as time moves on the supposedly naughty kids in the old movies don't seem so bad anymore

He's more like Ewan Mcgregor kind of guy actor than those guys you named

>Paddington director
>Mighty Boosh writer
>Harry Potter production designer
>Songs written by Divine Comedy
It will at least be Britkino

Paddington sucks

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I hated this little bear faggot like you wouldn't believe. Why the fuck does he never get his comeuppance? He should be made to dance on a hot plate for being such an annoying fucking cunt.

this goblin has the acting ability of a plank of wood lol

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Will never top Gene Wilder, stop fucking trying.

>Songs written by Divine Comedy
My opinion has never flipped so fast I am now hyped as fuck. Now if we can just get the Father Ted musical

This rat has the same resting bitch face in every picture I see of him

I always thought Timothee was kind of like the zoomer Adrien Brody. French Jew, big but not hideous nose, gets a ton of roles out of nowhere etc

He gets ALL the roles. Millions a year going to this chosen person. Chosen among the chosen you could say.

He was an irredeemable sociopath
>enslaves a bunch of dwarf people to work for him
>murders children in his candy factory
>is responsible for high obesity rates
>all while singing happy songs

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