Space movies

In honor of NASA's Artemis launch, let's talk about our favorite space movies.

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>we totally went to the moon in 1969, we just need twice as big a rocket and twice the time to do it now.

what times the launch

The alien franchise (alien aliens)

Stumbled across some news item yesterday that was something about Mars or going space or some shit with this hopeful tone and just had to burst out laughing. People really think they are not going to die. All these stupid fucktards treating space (with nothing in it) as some kind of greener pasture that they are in some way going to go to. This is going to be you, in the middle. And if you stop grasping at stupid nonsense you'll be able to realize that's great. What a relief

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It's actually smaller bro

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October Sky.

Any human beings aboard?

8:33AM Eastern US, 2 hour launch window

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Uncrewed test flight

Arriving on terra australis was probably pretty exciting but I can tell you I don't step out of my house each day and get down and grab some soil and say "Wow... I'm actually on a landmass far beyond the edge of the map of Europe...". It just feels normal. Some cunt living on Mars, if we retardedly pursued that, is just going to be thinking that the red soil is just some dirt, you know. It's just some more of the arbitrary material world that happens to be.

Simply don't care if there isn't a chance to watch the best of us die horribly in a spectacular explosion.

Why are launch windows so small? Is it because they need to launch when the moon is directly overhead for the gravity boost?


orbital mechanics
everything is in motion, gotta time the launch so your target is in the right place when you get there

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Where can I follow the Chinese version of this, I want to see them beat Mutts live

Who knew a robot could have so much SOVL?

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Chang'e 6 & 7 launch in 2024.
China does not have anything capable of carrying crew to the moon, and won't until at least the next decade.

>americans asleep hours
>space thread gets no replies
nice to get a break from these fucking nerds

>Artemis 3 will make history by landing the first woman and the first person of color on the lunar surface sometime in 2025
hope it explodes

just dont tell Any Forums that nasa uses telemetry on the rockets