A jewish executive said my movie ideas were trash then used them and they made millions

A jewish executive said my movie ideas were trash then used them and they made millions.

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>it was real in my head

name names

You should write a book about your struggle user

>i got a great idea for a cologne

Then you woke up

I believe you bro.

Mind reading technology.
Every time I started writing a movie, it would get made. Now I don't write anything and the industry is collapsing.

Which movies?

haha wow kys

>Supernanny VS Predator

Attached: Snob slobs on my knob like corn on a cob.jpg (259x194, 5.87K)

I'd watch it.

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Maybe he needs to go on a trip to Belize. Maybe you need to be his travel agent.

>Adaptation of the Yakuza game series by the director and coreographers from The Raid
>Adaptation of Hotline Miami from the director of John Wick
>British crime comedy set in the Harry Potter universe directed by Guy Ritchie
>Actual film about fantastic beasts being found in nature directed by Guillermo del Toro
>Saints Row movie directed by Neveldine/Taylor
>Forcing Sam Raimi to go back to form to direct a horror film with designs by Trevor Henderson
>Edgar Wright directed adaptation of Jam by Yatzeeh Croshaw (Australia is flooded by flesh-eating strawberry jam)

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This is the plot to Big Fat Liar

My university pulled my funding because my work was "unmarketable" at the same time they were trying to sell it to local power companies for close to a million (they sunk the deal because they refused to accept any offers).
I committed corporate sabotage that will ruin them in the years to come (I hope).

egg's dee

Dumb esl poster

Ideas are not protected by copyright law.
Try to write a short treatment, with loglines, and register it, before gifting free material.
For instance, as "Anonymous Content" does: download Any Forums threads and write a tv serie from those characters.


How is him being Jewish relevant?