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movie still annoyed me in that he has a whole group of people behind him though.

Meanwhile my doll wife and doll daughter have been exiled.

and he's attractive. so unrealistic.

Seeing some lonely loser fuck a doll for 90 minutes wouldn't really make for a good movie

She kinda looks like that Jessica Jones chick

speak for yourself, bucko.
love me some cum tribute vids.

If Lars and the Real Girl was made in 2022 he'd be called a creepy incel misogynist.

It was conditioning us to not treat mental illnesses and just let them be degenerates.

Anyone else thought this would be a Farreley brothers movie?

Because he was a likable presentable guy

Affordable dolls look so much better nowadays. All the other dudes at his church would probably buy one.

in real life he would be doxxed and swatted to death

What's that movie where the dad gets a robot daughter?

The Trouble with Being Born?

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Mr 3000

yet more emotive and sympathetic


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i never got over how supportive and friendly everyone was.
fucking ridiculous and unrealistic. awful
plus he gets a girlfriend at the end. absolutely trash

Based fellow cum tribute enjoyer

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