What are your favorite rom-coms?

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How do you pronouce his name?
Bill Niggy?

cast away

Tamasha was kino.

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Punch Drunk Love

Bill African-American

you've got mail

I fucking hate this reddit garbage movie

the girl next door

>Timetravelers wife but shit


>Failure to Launch
>Play the Game
>Along Came Polly
>What Women Want
>Love, Actually
>Just Friends

There's a lot more. I watched a ton of these for some reason after I graduated high school.

This one was so good.

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That's easy, it's THEY CAME TOGETHER.

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I know this is >anime but White Album 2 is a genuine 10/10 melodrama that raises some interesting questions about the meaning of love. I honestly think it's as good as the best romance Hollywood has to offer.

I won't recommend if you're easily triggered because the 3 main characters are not good people at all.

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Is it actually a romcom? I remember the father being more prominent than Rachel.

Shame they had to ruin it with a sequel

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What's wrong with the sequel

To have him apologize to his wife for sleeping with someone after she asked for divorce is some of the craziest shit I've ever seen.

But then on the other hand I still laugh at the stupid my lips are seals.

Felt like a repeat of the first one with similar jokes and shit. Somethings shouldn't get a sequel.