Is this the last teen/highschool/college/coming-of-age/sex comedy actually worthwhile and of significance?

Is this the last teen/highschool/college/coming-of-age/sex comedy actually worthwhile and of significance?
Everything that came after is pure sterile shit.

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Still got a mclovin license from the movie premier

Yeah how come there aren't any high school comedies anymore? Why are zoomers so soulless?

I liked 21 jump street
Which funnily enough also features Jonah Hill

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I remember enjoying Project X too although I was in college at the time and therefore retarded

probably the only good thing seth rogan ever made

isn't this the movie that gave Jonah Hill ptsd from being bullied on set?

not only that, it's one of the all time greatest american comedies, and the best of the coming of age high school comedy subgenre
nothing seth rogen's gang made afterwards came even close to Superbad, nor did anything else from Hollywood

no one cares Nigel

overrated garbage not even worth a second watch

How would a current year high school comedy even work?
>jokes about wearing masks
>jokes about chuds
>jokes about hrt
>stacey fucking the black guy
>minute of silence for George floyd every morning
>everyone doing tiktok dances

Probably my favorite comedy of all time. I legitimately can not think of a single thing that made me laugh as much on first watch, granted I was retarded but it still brings warm memories each time seeing it

They do actually. Infact the Inbetweeners is so good, you burgers begged for a US version.
Naturally you fucked it up.

Blockers had a 'coming out as a lesbian' moment
probably had some other shit but I can't remember (which was OP's point)

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22 Jump Street is even better. I was expecting both movies to be shit but they are hilariously good.

Watched this like four years ago for the first time, and I thought it sucked. Modern comedy isn't a favorite genre of mine.

Nah you just got older and saw this around the time when it was relevant to you.

was fairly decent

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In highschool we called eachother fag and gaywad, now we'd probably get expelled for hate speech

One thing that is so good about this movie is it ages well. There's not too many things that date it so to speak

My name jeff

because highschool kids don't watch movies anymore. They may 'binge' a tv show on a streaming service, but the whole 'friday night at the movies' thing is dead.

oh I remember now, the whole film is actually from the POV of the parents, which makes it not a teen comedy but a comedy for X-geners/early millenials i.e. kids who saw American Pie in high school and have now grown up

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I have zero memory of it

Like all good parties.