Is Star Trek good

Is Star Trek good

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>I'm a Buddhist.
And a faggot boy molester.


>fag bringing God to debate
isnt he dead?

The other six may be true but Trump isn't slothful.

No, God made all things, sodomite.

He's actually right on the money. Evangelicals have always been a joke but now that they're worshipping a guy who has been divorced several times and pretends to be a Christian for votes just goes to show how easily their beliefs are sold.

>Hey, person whose religion I don't follow. Let me condescendingly "spitball" about how your religion works.

Didn't this guy sperg out about Fuentes just the other day?

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Why is everything these people say a meme?

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>Don't vote for the bad guy who's more likely to push through policies that align with your ideology, vote for the bad guy who's diametrically opposed and wants to turn your children into niggertrannies

yeah it's really tough to wrap your head around it

Didn't he sell his twitter to some professional shills?

I went to look up what Buddhism says about homosexuality.

It apparently says everything, it runs the whole fucking gamut from Saudi style "kill fags where they stand" to turbo-San Franciscan "love between two men is purer than love between a man and a woman"

What a fucking meme religion holy shit

Between the "fake Christians" who at least vote for and align with the country and small-government values, and the avowed pedos who want to turn children into mutilated trannies and give the nation(s) over to the third-world hordes, I'll take the former.

Constantine was a pagan, an adulterer and a murderer and every Christian is a fan of him anyway because he's the one that stopped feeding them to lions

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I thought he had a cool hat, that's why I'm a fan

>Buddhism says about homosexuality.
That's because it's not really a religion, it's more of a broad set of philosophies that have been roped together under one umbrella. In the same way Christianity can run the spectrum from hyper-devout God Hates Fags types to the Franciscan monks. Same way Islam has it's Shia/Sunni split and how some Muslim countries literally only export terrorism and nothing else while others are the most pacifist places on the planet.

So anyone claiming their religion has the right perspective is just telling you that their individual version of their specific religion is the one they believe should apply to them and you, while discarding and ignoring the beliefs of everyone that doesn't agree with them.

>was a pagan
fuck off prottie he literally a saint

the greatest evidence against the existence of god is the fact the george takei has been allowed to live this long

lol literally nothing wrong with the argument. they read YOUR book in an attempt to reason with you even though they dont believe in it. took more effort that your trash words meme

I love non-christians that try to talk about christianity with any kind of authority, they make it really obvious that they have no idea what they are talking about.
On that note, does anyone have that retarded 2deep4u Adam and Eve short story from reddit? I lost my copy.

Dude not a buddhist, he's an evangelical progressive fundamentalist.

>they read YOUR book in an attempt to reason with you
I promise you, George Takei did not read the bible, and certainly not in an attempt to reason with anyone.

Idol worship.

>Is Star Trek good
not really good in the traditional sense no but if your into the kinda sci fi it is there are very few shows like it. If you've never seen it watch an episode or 2 of The Next Generation if you don't enjoy it you probably won't enjoy any more.
Thats at least my experience my friend was a huge Trekfag and sat me down and we watched like 6 hours of it I can't say I was bored but I really wasn't into it.

Joe Biden molested his daughter bro. Stop whining about Orange Man because he got a divorce and has sex with adult females

Protestantbros, why did you split off? We were stronger together, we could've reformed the indulgences!

>curious about buddhism
>first thing that comes to mind is if they let men suck each others cocks
>being incapable of descriptive powers beyond "a fucking meme religion"
just stop posting

I'm an (probably, although undiagnosed) autistic Star Trek fan.
Star Trek is not good by any any modern standards and hasn't been good any time this century. If you want to see what people like about it just watch the latter half of Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, maybe Voyager.
Don't get me wrong, I will gladly watch any of the earlier star trek series and fully enjoy it for the most part. The new series are pure fucking cancer though and the early ones were a product of their time.
Actors are just sacks of shit, especially television actors and you should never, ever listen to anything they say that someone else didn't write for them in a script.

>faggot actually reading the bible
that rich, at most they skimmed a wiki article.

>idol worship
That's not what that is. Saints are worshipped under God as instruments of his will in earth. Much like how if God made a statue, the tools he used to make the statue would be relics, the people spreading his words are saints. I'm an agnostic and I can understand this shit, why can't you?

Takei's gripe with Christianity is literally that it doesn't want him sucking cocks, how fucking low IQ are you that you can't follow my post

see, this is what i was talking about. I love these guys

Nobody is trying to force children to transition. Nice scare tactics, though.

trump does what his voters want him to do (bar rinos and libshits stopping him at every turn), how hard is this for you morons to understand?

i bet money he knows more about the bible than you

>don't vote for the guy pandering to you, vote for the other guy, the one who openly hates you!

>stardate 5648646
>cap'n at the vrago cluster sighted aliens
>wow alien ur so mysterious
>we wislfgdjgdhsgsdfgh

I bet he dosen't

why can't this guy just catch AIDS and die like all the other Hollywood faggots?

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remember when he sexually assaulted some dude on howard stern? he's not the best hill to die on...

like yourself. takei is a homosexual, so it makes sense to see what the religion thinks about that

I went to sunday school while he was busy blowing dudes.

thanks for quite literally admitting all rightcucks care about is "owning the libs". usually you try to at least pretend you have principles and beliefs, pretty refreshing to hear you admit what childish retards you really are.

Christcucks are the stupidest people on earth

Evangelicals don't simply vote for him; they make excuses for his moral depravity, they worship him like an idol, and they defend his complete lack of knowledge about anything Christianity related despite him claiming to be a Christian (two Corinthians). They are cult members through and through.

without Constantine Europe would be Muslim. bad example, Europe would have been invaded by Muslims a long time ago

its really not hard. are you going to risk your everlasting life voting for someone clearly created by the devil to rule over you or suffer temporarily



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>gay heathen trying to pilpul
Burn in hell, faggot

Tomorrow he could be dead and you'll be bitching about how Evangelicals worship DeSantis as their false god
Ten years ago Bush was the false God and double Hitler before he became okay by you guys now.

Eat shit.

No one should be worshiped but God, it's literally the first commandment. Praying to saints is idol worship, especially when people combine it with all sorts of graven images of those saints. And don't give me that business about saints intervening on behalf of believers, because the entire point of Christ's death and resurrection was to give believers a direct line of communication to God through the sacrifice of Jesus. This is also the case for Catholic confessionals, the idea that you should need a priest to do anything on your behalf with God flies in the face of Christ's sacrifice and the new covenant as well.

So you've got no argument. Got it.