/bb/ big brother 24

hoh: turner
noms: brit taylor
veto: michael
over: this show

previously on /bb/

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it's over kylebros

Kyle ain't coming back is he?

>they wanted a person of color to win the show for the first time in 20 something years

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Based T-dog is going to save Kyle

The house is gonna talk through this and realize Michael and Brittany are just scumbagging Kyle out of desperation
It won't even make the edit

coincidentally i am also self evicting from this season

Imma be straight
Michael is a straight up savage. He just killed a man.


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POCs have never won Big Brother

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i love this bus driver like you wouldnt believe
fr fr

no they won't

He’s a disgusting like faggot and what he’s doing is textbook Jewish behavior. There is a reason these people were evicted from dozens of nations

kyle is not coming out of that dr. america will have a jury vote this year

the wisdom of an older man

it's literally happening right now


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michael sat alone in a room and talked about how he wanted to bury kyle as retaliation for his game betrayal, explicitly in terms of revenge and making sure he couldn't win

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>jews run slave trade
>successfully blame it all on white male
and heidegger mocked the idea of history being a repeating cycle...

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Kyle should absolutely self-evict, and I think he will. He knows the second anyone calls you racist it's over. Google BB24 Kyle and see what suggestion you get. The guy can never have a real career now, his life is fucked. I hope it wakes up a lot of fence sitting faggots but it won't because honk honk
>mulatto twerks over the burning rubble of your society.png

we need to put the clock on kyle. he went into the DR at 2.30pm

i feel so sick to my stomach, if kyle self evicts i have to stop watching the show

Fuck this season. I'm out

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>I'm not a straight white male... I'm bi!

america commodified race beyond belief

honestly from a gameplay perspective it's incredibly based.
it's just bullshit because it yet again perpetuates the fact you cannot criticize the cookout or even think of doing so or you get canceled by this braindead fanbase

brett will just get him a medical sales job, doctors dont give a fuck who they buy xray machines from

seeing kyle realize how his life outside the house might be ruined now kinda fucked me up bros

oh nooo...im seeing itt.
aaaaargh paloma is calling me TAKE MEEEEEEEE

this turner monte convo is kino

this is my last season

i thought it was a fascinating moment of a persons life caught on camera
i love big brother.

Not to mention, the British attempted to end slavery starting in the late 18th century. For instance, that new movie Woman King? That's the african nation primarily responsible for keeping the Atlantic Slave Trade going after Europeans started to turn against it. The British tried to get them to stop selling slaves for a century or two.
Yet the movie is about people from that exact kingdom fighting evil white british people who want to enslave them.
The anti-slavery movement was a direct result of the enlightenment and move toward emancipatory political movements. But every piece of history associated with it is being revised away with extreme prejudice. Why would there be such an aggressive move to delete all history associated with movements toward freedom? gee I wonder.