
So I just wanted to get the gang together early in my tenure to say...yo

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Weak cunt.

Fucking fucking what the fuck roman you dick nozzle listen up children fuck off suck my cock


>So I just wanted to get the gang together early in my tenure to say...(you)

>Weak cunt.
I'm sorry. user, can I, can I speak for a moment? Because, you know, I'm here in good faith today. I'm very willing to talk you, user, and the board through our operations, but, uh, let's cut the BS, shall we? Because it seems to me that this post, uh, is not about proper oversight of the cruise industry codes and standards or some highly regrettable but isolated incidents from nearly two decades ago. What this feels to me it's about is your personal dislike of my father and your ideological hatred of his newspapers and his news channels, and in particular, of the, uh, success story which is ATN on which you've appeared, I think, fourteen times in the last four months, user. user, it seems that since you don't agree with us ideologically, nothing we can say will be enough. No groveling will be low enough, and as much as you like to accuse of us of bias, uh, today you're the one with the bias. So, I say, go ahead. Hit us as hard as you can. We can take it. We have nothing to hide.

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this dude's shoulders are way too narrow

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succession is weird because it's obviously good but there's also nothing to say about anything that happens in it. maybe that's the point and all the characters and interactions are supposed to feel hollow but it doesn't make for good Any Forums threads

I doodled some of the characters at the office the other day
what do you think?

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I drew Rava too

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Yeah I agree. Most of the show is just people talking in the same rooms over and over. The story arcs are very repetitive too. But at the same time, all of it is great. The dialogue and acting are absolutely top tier. The show has too much irony to really be popular though

who /team greg/ here

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kek shiv and roman are excellent

you need to break a few greggs to make an omelet

Great job user!

Have been since day one

shiv looking like a moon over June character

but I like em, wish I could still doodle like that.

I took me way too long to realize that Con is Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Also Greg can do better than the lying cheating WHORE Dasha

>37 times

Like a giant walking with mere mortals

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I couldn't believe it when she showed up. I wonder who she had to blow to get the role

Kendal in season 1 is such a little bitch. When Logan is laid up in the hospital and Gery brings the team to talk to him and hes all "right now i just care about my dad!" like bitch, hes in a coma. The fuck are you doing for him? Handle the company.
And then that cringe call with the bank guy. Ken sucks and I've been Team Shiv since episode 1.