What are some good Ninja movies? I just watched Shadow of a Tear and it's pretty much the best Ninja movie I've seen...

What are some good Ninja movies? I just watched Shadow of a Tear and it's pretty much the best Ninja movie I've seen. I didn't like Ninja Assassin.

I'll also take good Kung Fu or Samurai movie suggestions as well.

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american ninja 1 and 2
ninja 1 and 2

Is American Ninja actually good. Also Ninja 2 is Shadow of a Tear.

>Shadow of a Tear
What a gay name for a movie

The first two American Ninjas are good, the first being the best.


Yeah but it's incredible. Good fight scenes. Hand to hand, swords, ninja stars ect. There's even gunplay and explosions.

there arent many ninja movies sadly.

Last Samurao had a pretty dope ninja scene. It didn't make much sense from.a historical perspective, but fuck it, ninja movies never do. No one wants to see a dude pretending to be a gardener for two hours. We want nips in black pajamas climbing on roofs and shit. Respect the black pajama.

>We want nips in black pajamas climbing on roofs and shit
Right? There's always someone that goes "well actually they didn't wear that." Yeah I know, the whole theater thing wearing black and coming from behind the curtain. But I don't care, there's something cool about some guy wearing all black and prowling around slaying motherfuckers with swords and ancient traps and shit.

I want to see a cyber ninja movie, something like Grey Fox from MGS.

Five Element Ninja

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Duel to the Death has some great ninja nonsense in it, but it isn't exactly a ninja movie. Would recommend, though, it's highly entertaining.

Beverly Hills Ninja

Shogun's Ninja 1980

Not ninjas, but real fucking good.

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Probably on of the greatest comedies of all time


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Pic related is wonderfully insane.

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There are a TON of ninja movies; the problem is that almost all of them are terrible.

Ultimax Force

someone please tell me, in martial arts films what do they mean "evil cult" or "evil sect" as in what does the original language say?!

maybe I'll watch it because I'm currently in Asia and need to show these taxi drivers (little brown scumbag men) who's boss