How do lefties defend this?

How do lefties defend this?

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I don't even know what I'm looking at but cry harder

First post troon post

wtf is this, that gay andor show?

Deflection, ad hominem, whataboutism, cognitive dissonance, citation of hack journalism that attempts to justify it. Did I miss anything?

>Rebels are mass murdering terrorists


>Galactic Empire was le based, because of this one line about the yuzhuan vong in that obscure NJO book.
>I'm going to ignore everything else, including the movies, to fit my gay little headcanon about the Empire being the REAL good guys

Empirefags are trannies, pure and simple.

Attached: Evil Galactic Empire.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

t. rebel fag who would kill billion of people just to say we're le good

The narration typer was a Rebel piece of shit. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, anarchist shill.

You were born a man, and you will die a genderless freak with a necrotic gash between your legs. No matter how hard you pretend otherwise, Empire is not good, and you are not a woman.

>somehow empire are trannies and rebels

Yes. Reimagining the evil Galactic Empire as the ACKKKKTUALLLY good guys is the same as trying to reimagine yourself as a woman, when you are clearly a disgusting, fat mastrubation addict. There is literally no difference between the two.

Big talk from a literal cuck, worshipping a decadent and corrupt government that would rather have waged intergalactic war for seven years rather than listen to the grievances of its Outer Rim constituency. The Empire made right what the Republic had destroyed.

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I'm pretty sure that war was instigated by the Emperor, who controlled both sides of it and used it to install himself as the single galactic authority, unaccountable to his people. That's what I remember from the prequels. Or is that not canon either in your delusional mind?

>relatively benign
They blew up a planet

How much tranny porn do you consume?

Zero. Meanwhile, it is the only thing on your hormone-addled mind. You need to be put out of your misery, as soon as possible. There is no better way for you anymore.

>you mean the bases that regularly blew up planets?

>inb4 "It was a planet of terrorists"
The whole planet? Should Texas be scorched away in nuclear fire because there's an antifa cell operating somewhere in Dallas?

It's amazing how the polls correspond directly to how based or cringe a country is

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>listen to the grievances of its Outer Rim constituency.
What exactly were their grievances?

They don’t feel any need to because they’re evil.

Posting the greatest hero in the galaxy's history

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This is a retarded comparison because in reality the government would scorch Texas in nuclear fire if they tried to GET RID OF the antifa cells operating in Austin