I work at a vet clinic and we've been getting a shitload of sick birds. Most of them are just dying...

I work at a vet clinic and we've been getting a shitload of sick birds. Most of them are just dying. Apparently birds in local pet stores are dying too.

I think this is a Canary in a coal mine scenario and everyone is gonna die soon.

Goodbye everyone.

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I wouldn't want to live in a world without birds anyway

Did they get the vaxx?

did you perform an autopsy on them OP

your the character who finds out first but no one listens

We've been too busy to do a thorough look.

I know this is probably a /x/ schizo post but it is true that like one third of all birds on the planet have died off in the past 50 years due to pollution and shit and there is no reason to believe that this trend will slow down any time soon

I see these birds in my yard they look like they got leprosy.

please post more information. how long do we have. first bald and bankrupt's post and now this. very concerning.

>all the birds in the pet shop stare at me say ____ and then drop dead

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Well the only thing I can wager is that they're breathing in something. A few of the birds had signs of asphyxiation. I live in Cody Wyoming which is within a hundred miles of Yellowstone. So maybe they geysers are belching up something.

Post your work ID or fuck off, terrorist.

All the birds in my town are losing feathers. Everytime we visit the glowing lake that just opened up last year we just see nothing but feathers along the road. The few birds that stuck around make weird croaking noises lately, too. What's going on bros?

>dox yourself bro


I work at a hydro electric power plant and we've been getting a shitload of dead eels. Most of them are just sliced up. Apparently salmon in local streams are dying too.

I think this is a eel in a meat grinder scenario and everyone is gonna die soon.

Goodbye everyone.

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did they dieded op :(

>first the bees started dying
>now the birds
We're heading for a Children of Men scenario, bros

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It could be the air, but if you're treating pet birds that stay in a household or a pet shop it could be related to bird feed; we're in the middle of a food crisis so it wouldn't be weird that part of the processing chain of seeds had something changed (cheap fertilizers, stocks gone bad but still sold to not lose money, a contaminated batch with Mossad's finest). Further autopsies are needed before someone starts shutting down inquiries.

This was ALMOST worth reading.

my diagnosis is toxic fart gas


You joke but lately I see lots of blue jays and cardinals with no feathers on their heads and black lumps.

>folds pencil in half

2 weeks

>you will live to see lions go extinct
>you will live to see whales go extinct
>you will live to see gorillas go extinct
>you will live to see elephants go extinct
>you will live to see rhinos go extinct
>you will live to see tigers go extinct
Why did things have to end like this bros?

>you will live
nobody tell him lmao

Kill all birds before they kill us this is why the ancient Egyptians worshiped cats

Ancient Egyptians also all died out

user the fart gas... It's coming from... Within your house!... Oh my God!

I've been finding a shitload of dead birds infront of my house, there's a huge bird that's filled with miscellaneous birds there's just so many dead ones.. it's kind of freaking me out.

I've lived here for 4 years now, first year i've seen so many dead birds. Pic for proof.

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