We will all be dead in a few years

>we will all be dead in a few years
What did he mean by this? Is he going to bourdain himself? Fuck this gay world man, he was the good content in goytube. Keked for eternity for making so many redditors and soys seethe

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you really don't know? lol

What user? Vaccine die offs? I don’t understand

he's gonna grow his hair back and withdraw his funds
it's over brokebald bros

8 billion people vs one monke


It's impossible to understand what he means. Western society is rapidly deteoriating before our eyes and it's getting pretty bad. The social decay and rot that has been occuring for the past couple of decades was easy for most to brush away and dismiss because we reaped the economic and material benefits that came with the "bad". However, as predictable as it was, the economic and material benefits are quickly dwindling as more and more people lose access to it, and the political situation in the West has started to openly manifest into violence which is normalised and encouraged. Not to mention soil degeneration and a changing climate (which isn't all that unique to us). I don't believe there'll be a mass die off or any grand apocalyptic event that wipes most or all of us out in an instant. It'll just be a sad and pathetic decline into nothingness.

yeah, but nobody in the west actually says it with a capital w
changs need to work on that

It's a noun you utter fucking troglodyte.

hey calm down

Post wrists and max deadlift chang

I think Alina was fucking some other dudes. Man’s gonna bourdain himself. I fucking hate women so much bros

Kys discord twittertard

ive seen incredible, absolutely awe inspiring things and they are ultimately meaningless, they just become memories. just spend your time how you want, living life on your terms, thats what matters, not some faggy sense of "adventure". if thats part of your journey or how you want to spend your time fine, but that is not some default

Every travel youtuber is a faggot.



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but- but my life NEEDS to fit a narrative with a dramatic purpose and conclusion!

Any Forums admiring a jew fucking young poor white girls in eastern europe

this isn't even real, it exists nowhere on the internet

Life is a joke


It’s on his YouTube feed thing.
He was based though
Cope and seethe, he was living a life 99% of dudes would kill for