/bb/ big brother 24

HOH: Turndaddy
NOMS: Taylor, Brit

previously on /bb/:

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nope, kyle would be completely blindsided if michael drops the white alliance bomb. hope he does!


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>Brit crying AGAIN and they haven't even played veto

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>I hope you still love me
>I'm not being myself in this house, and I'm myself when I'm with you, and you're watching your wife be someone else
she's gonna be mentally fucked after this

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>white supremacist earrings

they need to keep her. she's a basket case

brit alyssa talking about previous weeks, brit quietly mad about kyle not having to take heat for the alliance


lmao brit telling alyssa about the cookout 2.0 theory
>it crosses a line outside this house
god, her and michael really are a pair of cunts


good for kyle if she leaks that, he can get ahead of it.
then they've got nothing on him

actually probably great for kyle lmao
alyssa is instantly gonna run it back, and give him the chance to warn monte and terrance and turner

>NOOOOOO you can't just assume there's a race based alliance (even though that literally happened last season)

>michael's one piece of leverage is out in the open
yeah he's fucked

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whats hilarious is you had a taylor HoH where she herself said openly that she would not nominate jasmine. a person who wasnt in her alliance and treated her like shit the whole game, all because she was a black woman.
like what are you supposed to think after last season?

rushing the comp so there's no time to smooth things over beforehand or what?
doubt they're still talking about outdoor production stuff

exactly. kyle's entire basis for this came from monte telling him he had a F2 with ameerah because she's a strong black woman

yeah if racial alliances are on the table, the only safe allies for a backup plan are people of your own race. he just didn't realize that michael is jewish

>honey dippers are a media conspiracy to sell honey

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oof big mistake by brit
michael and her and done

michael back in the room, and comp starting soon
wonder if britt got it out before he came in

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who does michael remind you of?

>did fessy ever win an hoh

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i dont know but he creeps me out how he enters a room and just sits there

I feel like he barely tolerates anyone's presence, and all he can do is sit silently so he doesn't come off as an asshole

and jasmine during her hoh week 2 nominated taylor lol

Lol Turner turned on the LO and nominates Taylor, after his big pandering bullying speech

and now jasmine is a guaranteed vote for Taylor to win the game. it's called jury management

everyone but joseph turner and pooch knew she was a pawn with locked votes before noms
paloma pretty much singlehandedly made her an untouchable target through an extremely early alliance, she was initially looking out for monte at least 50% on the basis of race