Opinion on this show

opinion on this show

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Humor is subjective. And I didn't laugh once. I watched some of the best viewed youtube clips to see what its peak was like. Just don't think it funny but I won't blame anyone or bother anyone for thinking otherwise.

Its the best modern sitcom by a country mile, but its still just ok

I enjoyed it but thought the final season ep1 sucked too preachy but glad that whole show wasnt like that

It really isnt bad and doesnt have many preachy episodes for sure, its worth a casual watch i'd say for sure

Final season was dogshit

Sex with the mannish spic. NOW.

eh it was ok

unironically Seasons 2-4 are great

I watched it all, i cant remember a single episode aside from the one were they go to Canada and his dad gets arrested over drugs or something

Pure cringe, I funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life can’t believe my two normie friends enjoy watching this rubbish, they didn’t even laugh either!

Unfunniest* thing


final season left so many things unfinished and just abruptly ended and half the cast was gone

who cares? you must be a nigger loving kike enbie

Based goyslop enjoyer

Better than the tranime you watch

Was the whieniest, jewiest show I've seen in a long time. With all the black men being masculine and smart and all the goy men being fat, bumbling retards.

It was all passive-aggressive chick humor, too.

Faggot show

>Humor is subjective
Any " ___ is subjective" statement is absolutely meaningless and only exists to facilitate intellectual laziness. Just because you can't list every joke ever told and point to one and say "here is the formula that proves this is the funniest joke ever" the way you could with a list of tallest buildings or something doesn't mean you can't judge one joke to be funnier than another. In all art forms there's a general consensus that exists among its participants and audience as to what is good and what is bad. You are correct that Brooklyn Nine Nine isn't funny though, it's not subjective, it's a fact, it sucks. Some people may genuinely find it funny but some people genuinely believe the Earth is hollow and that big foot lives under the Earth's crust, sometimes people are just flat out wrong.

You seem mad lmao

I am, I'm mad that people are so intellectually lazy that they won't come up with reasons for their opinions and so spineless and conflict avoidant that they'll say some "it's all subjective, bro" statement so that they can invalidate their own opinion themselves before someone else takes offense at it. Stand up for your opinions and stand by them, it's not gonna be the end of the world if someone disagrees with you about something you like/dislike, try to change each other's minds and if neither of you can then fuck it, at least now you two have a better understanding of each other's thought process. Fuck I absolutely hate the whole subjective opinion cop out, everyone says it for everything now, it's why we're so fagged out as a society and there are no standards for everything anymore.

>Oh you can't call it bad, it's subjective, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad!
Fuck you, kill yourself. It's one thing to like something that sucks, it's another thing to remove the need for standards in art and turn society into a soulless wasteland.

lmao mad

Yes, seething, in fact.

first two seasons are good. started going downhill when jake and amy got together and they fell into the trap of having characters answer jokes

The show is perfectly watchable, just like The Goldbergs