Has a movie ever changed your life?

Alright just talked to my recruiter and said if I join the marines i can be TOPGUN.

Anyone else inspired by this kino?

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You should definitely do it. Marines get so much pussy bro.

No I will not die for the dumb boomers in washington in some war for profit

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holy shit its just like rainbow six !!!!!!

>literal zoggoy
>get told to become zogbot
>becomes zogbot and gets blown up

They are all black.

That's the US military now. We're all fucked if there was a real war.

I'm watching this right now and it feels absolutely soulless. It doesn't even look like a real movie, I feel like I'm watching a Mexican soap opera that was shot on an iphone. It feels fake as fuck.

I want to be the Force Multiplier, but can I sub the Chameleon? I can switch classes, r-right?

Can you quit spamming these threads shitskin?

Fire is a real fucker

>pic rel is purpose built to penetrate ANY countries air defense system and drop 30,000 Ib bunker busting warheads from 60,000 feet up
>iran somehow has more su-57s than russia despite russia actually making them
This movie is stupid and makes no sense

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no goy dont u get it?

watch the movie

NATO is the rebel alliance
Russia is the evil empire

We are the underdogs !!!

You'll all be sitting behind computers with AC blowing shit up with drones anyway you nigger

shoot down the plane yang

There are far more aviators in the USN and their basic training is physically easier. Marines are grunts first and foremost. I’d go Navy if you want to go to Top Gun.

Also, since pilots are officers, you should go the ROTC route. Get a degree in a hard science or engineering and excel at it. You’ll also need perfect vision and be in top physical shape. Being a pilot, especially a fighter pilot, is very physically and mentally demanding.

Only way I would ever join the military is if they guarantee that I will get to fly fighter jets before I commit to joining. They won’t do that though. I would give anything to be able to fly one though. Maybe I can one day pay to get a ride with a blue angel but until then I’ll just suffer.

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>Russia is the evil empire
Russia is a rabid nigger shithole full of muslims, aids and communists.

like california

Because is they just did that then we wouldn't have sick footage of real planes that look miles better than any CGIfest

They never said it’s Iran you fucking retard

Dude should get into making monster movies

Yes, that's what happens when you get subverted by foreign power.