Which one is better? JUDGE DREDD (1995) or DREDD (2012)


DREDD (2012)

Attached: JUDGE DREDD (1995) vs DREDD (2012).jpg (1280x720, 196.82K)

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the aesthetics of 1995 with the plot of 2012

Only one is a 2000 AD film and stallone aint in it.


The earlier film is always better than the later film. There are no exceptions to this universally true rule.

Dredd 2012 was just a rip off of The Raid he might as well have been called Captain PewPew with as much as it had to do with Judge Dredd the Man He is the Law

You must be a zoomer.
The thing
Invasion of the body snatchers
The blob
All say otherwise

add House of Wax to that list, fuck boomers that pretend the original was better.

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pic credit


Neither gets close to capturing the feel of the comic.

1995 by far. I can't remember a thing that happened in the remake other than he walked room to room shooting people.

2012 is one of the best movies of this godforsaken century

2012 easily

neither really gets judge dredd and both are pretty shallow films. 95 is too goofy( i think it's been awhile) and 2012 doesn't have a satire element and is just an action movie with a splash of sci fi. robocop resembles the comics closer.

I'm not debating objective facts with you. The older film is always better than the newer one.

No need to pretend that which is a fact anyway.

I prefer the raid - dredd edition


2012, in every conceivable way.

t. ehehe

The '95 movie was just a comedy, I know that the comic has a lot of satire, but british humor is way different from american humor, and Stallone would never have been believable as Dredd even if he would have never took his helmet off. Wrong script, wrong actor. The only good thing about the '95 movie are the special effects and the scenery.
The 2012 movie lacks any black humor too, but at least tried to be a serious action movie, and Karl Urban suited the role better.
The best adaptation of Judge Dredd will forever be Robocop 1 and 2.

dredd takes his helmet off and you see his face in the 1995 movie so it's automatically disqualified as a dredd movie
I mean you can like it as a stalone movie but it's not a dredd movie

Attached: dredd.jpg (1382x2048, 879.3K)

2012 but you should watch both.

all facts

You think the one with Paris Hilton was better than the one with Vincent Price and Charles Bronson?

1995 French Dredd > 2012 Dredd >>>>>>> 1995 Dredd


1995 would have been perfect if not for Stallone insisting he spends 3/4 of the movie with his face exposed. 2012 was a generic "cyberpunk" Raid ripoff with a very, very thin coat of paint to kind of look like Judge Dredd if you squint.

The first 30 mins of JUDGE DREDD are really good, otherworldly, futuristic, comic accurate, and goat aesthetics. But the plot is too big for its bridges, the newer one is better because its more day in the life. But it would be great if you combined the two.

the 2012 version is better
sylvestor stallone version has too much 90s cheese in it.